The Sun is Shining - Thank God!

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2003
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Well, here in NYC the sun is finally shining after hiding for 9 days or so behind a whole lot of rain. Hopefully this fine weather will head north as well. Boy, have I missed the sun.......

I think I will hike over to the river today and play some guitar, put off work till later in appreciation of old Mr. Sun. :D
My home sits on a small knoll with a stream in the front yard and drainage in the back yard. The drainage is now a stream and the stream is now a flood. I think I’m on an island right now. My driveway crosses over the stream but overnight it was under the stream. The rain let up for a while, the water was subsiding so I could walk down my driveway,.

It is raining again as I type.

I’ll be looking for that sunshine!!
I went hiking today in the Ramapo Reservation, but had to cross on Bear Swamp Rd because the main trailhead parking lot was closed with a sign posted "flood hazard". I crossed the Ramapo River on the road bridge and went up to Bear Swamp Lake and hiked around there this morning. For those of you that watch the news, the towns of Oakland, Wayne, and the Ramapo, Pompton, Passaic River all made national news.. I live near there and are always affected when the roads flood and we are detoured. But for fun, I hiked over the Ramapo river and got some pictures of some serious flow of current... Pictures to come...

I was getting nervous when I went to the Home Depot yesterday and the lumber was all sold out and there was a crazy old man out in the parking lot building a very large house boat,animals were starting to line up in twos to get on.When he said his name was Noah I headed out for the high ground south of town.
Run me out in the cold rain and snow(GD) I wish I was a headlight on a north bound train,I'd shine my light through the cool colorado rain(GD).
Nice pics, Jay. I haven't been to Bear Swamp Lake since the mid 90's .... will have to get back there someday soon. And yeah, ironic message re: the trail sign.

Sun is out, but the only hiking today will be around my yard ......
One of my favorite stomping grounds (areas around Tully Dam) is under 5 feet of water. That's what I get for getting attached to an Army Corps flood control area. I tried to hike some of it with the dog on Saturday. Got 1/4 mile down the trail to find the rest of it has become part of Tully Lake. I was able to get pictures this morning and will post them as soon as I get a chance to download them from the camera.

It sure was nice to need the sunglasses while driving this morning.
Hey Rob, there are a bunch of signs like that along Bear Swamp Road, probably done by the boy scouts at camp Yaw Paw (which is accessible by car from Bear Swamp Road, and the power line that follows the road veers off where the roads split.

Anyway, we might laugh at the signage but frankly, it seems to work! There wasn't much litter running around on the road!

Anyway, this weekend was actually a very nice weekend for hiking, other than all the streams being raging torrents, the temps were very comfy, the sun was out and there was a nice breeze.

Jay H said:
other than all the streams being raging torrents

But that made for some incredible waterfalls! I'll post some pics of Ripley Falls either tonight or tomorrow morning; they were really roaring yesterday.
The photos from Tully Lake are up at WebShots, in the obviously named "Fall Flood at Tully Lake" album. :) I'm going to try and get back there today for more photos, hopefully of a very fast moving Doanes Falls. When we were there Saturday, they were so loud the dog was freaked out. Fascinating to see how much is under water and to think the resevoir is only at 30% capacity. Real time data collected at the dam can be seen HERE

Cool Smitty77, now I can play disc golf with my kayak, I think my Aerobie floats!

Jay H said:
Cool Smitty77, now I can play disc golf with my kayak, I think my Aerobie floats!

When I first saw the conditions Saturday morning, the top of the disc golf "basket" was still visible. The basket must be at least 4' off the ground. By Sunday morning, it was under water as the photo shows. I'll try to get some more pics in the coming days as water recedes.
I just got back from my White Mountain Trip XVI and all the rivers, streams and brooks were flowing with gusto. There were about seven stream crossings during the week that required our removing our boots and barefooting the various crossings including Whitin Brook, several crossings of streams on the Flat Mountain Pond Trail west of the Pond, Cold River crossing on the Guinea Pond Trail and Beebe River outlet from Guinea Pond. The only crossing that we decided was too deep and risky to cross was the first crossing of the Whiteface Rive on the Flat Mountain Pond Trail. This resulted in us bushwacking 1.4 miles along the south bank until the Flat Mountain Pond Trail crossed back over to the south bank. Pictures and full report eventually.