It was quite an amazing year for me. Last fall I had decided that I would make a goal to push to finish up my Grid, which I started in January of 2011. In the calendar year 2015, I hiked 41% of my remaining grid peaks, knocking off everything I needed each month for 12 months straight.
284 total summits - 245 4,000-footers - 1,219 miles - 423,355 feet of elevation gain - 574 hours on the trail - 71 total solo hikes
Saw the 1st sunrise of the year from Mt. Moosilauke
Completed my 3rd ssw48 on Mt. Carrigain.
Completed 3 rounds of the 48, 7 peaks shy of round 4, and reached several peaks 6 times in 2015.
Completed my 6th solo round, making 50% of my grid completed solo, and 50% with companions.
Finally finished #48 at night. I've been to all 48 summits at night at least once (on the summit between sunset and sunrise)
Completed a Moriah to Jackson Traverse in October in 26 hours. 41.6 miles, 18,824 feet of elevation, (14) 4,000-footers, with 12 counting toward my grid.
32 4Ks in the month of April including Owl's Head, Isolation, and Presidentials, including a weekend trip in the middle of the month to Clingman's Dome in TN.
Along with a full time job and all that night hiking....
-Purchased my first home (a 5 month short sale process)
-Went to Disney World
To ring in the New Year, I'm off to Aruba
After twelve straight months of full-on dedication to a schedule, I'm looking forward to spending more time with family, enjoying my new home, and planning fun hikes to take on, and slowly work on the NE100 and maybe ADK 4Ks.
Nice to read others' accomplishments! Thanks for a place to brag - haha