Things that make you go........... hmmmmm

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Right on PB...

meristematic growth dictates shoot elongation blah blah blah.

yes, if you blaze a tree at 6 feet the mark will always remain at 6 feet. The lateral growth of a tree (the wood diameter growth) will grow around any wounds on a tree.

so, when a barbed wire fence is erected using trees as posts (the fence is wired to the tree) the tree will grow around the wound and eventually you'll see a tree with wire running through the middle of it (as many posters have pointed out over the years).

In the picture, I suspect that many years ago, someone stuck the bottom metal piece in the crook of the beech tree. The two individual stems then each began to growth around it. Then someone else came along and placed the upper metal piece in the higher crook of the tree.

There is a funny thing at Harvard Forest. Out along one of the woods roads, there is a tree (hemlock, IIRC) with a heavy rock (maybe 80 pounds???) lodged between two brances up about 10 feet. How did it get there the tour guides always ask? Most people give the solution that Tim offered; the tree grew and carried the rock up with it.

of course a seedling couldn't possibly support the weight, even if the tree did grow that way.

the truth is...
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Learn something new everyday

Thanks for the lesson in botany. I just ASSumed (as did the rest of us present did) that that's how it occured. It was interesting none-the-less.

Thanks again......
If anyone sees any trees in the Adirondacks tied up in knots please let me know. My great grandfather told me that when he was a kid (early 1900’s) he went around and tied a bunch of saplings in knots. It would be interesting to see what those trees look like now close to 100 years later. I suppose as the trees matured the knots would have disappeared, becoming part of the core wood in the trees, but it would be interesting to see a 100 year old maple with its trunk tied in a knot.
Sandwich Wilderness

There is an old logging camp in the Sandwich Wilderness that has the following: Lots of railroad track, a railroad switch still standing there, rows of steel double bunk frames standing in rows among the trees, an iron water pipe running hundreds of feet for the thirsty locomotives, an old blacksmith's shop with leather tack embedded in the ground along with horseshoes, piles of peavy and saw parts and lots of horse drawn log sled parts. One fall day I was walking along the old RR bed, happened to glance into the woods on my left and saw the bunks standing there among the trees. It was really spooky :eek: I know that Peter Miller has been in there too. It is about a half mile off the trail. I first encountered the site during a bushwhack from E. Sleeper to Flat Mountain Pond.
Dalraida said:
There is an old logging camp in the Sandwich Wilderness that has the following: Lots of railroad track, a railroad switch still standing there, rows of steel double bunk frames standing in rows among the trees, an iron water pipe running hundreds of feet for the thirsty locomotives, an old blacksmith's shop with leather tack embedded in the ground along with horseshoes, piles of peavy and saw parts and lots of horse drawn log sled parts. One fall day I was walking along the old RR bed, happened to glance into the woods on my left and saw the bunks standing there among the trees. It was really spooky :eek: I know that Peter Miller has been in there too. It is about a half mile off the trail. I first encountered the site during a bushwhack from E. Sleeper to Flat Mountain Pond.

I, too, have been there.
I saw a hershey wrapper on the Zealand trail. That was pretty cool too. And it wasn't old like this other junk you guys found :D
Dalraida: I replied to your PM but your box is full. :( You can email me or emply your box. :D
There is an old delapitated house on the Wapack trail near the Temple Mountain Rd trailhead. It's kind of ripped apart but it still has a bed in there. Kinda spooky.

I saw a mattress spring set off the Osseo trail and what looked like an old boiler tank or water heater near the summit of Hale.