This is from the 1972 edition
Thunderbird Trail
0.7 m. W of Tuftonboro on NH 171, a road branches to the N. In 1 m. a road to Sentinel Lodge leaves R. Continuing straight and passing through a settlement, the road turns sharp R 1.8 m. from NH 171. The trail begins at the corner and follows a road between stonewalls. The lower part is infrequently marked by yellow thunderbirds stenciled on trees.
The trail continues almost straight along this wood road, ascending slightly. In about 1/4 m., turn sharp R and pass between two fields. Bear L beyond an old cellar hole L, and enter the woods again from the NE corner of the westernmost field, following a wood road (cars could be driven to the field in 1971).
Follow the wood road, which soon ends at a new dirt road. Turn R. The new road ascends and soon passes close to a stream at the head of a cascade where there is a small camping place. A short distance beyond, where the dirt road bears L and crosses the brook on a bridge, the Thunderbird Trail continues straight, following a wood road. About 1 m. from the fields, the wood road ends at a small brook (if dry, water may be found a short distance upstream).
Beyond, the trail is blazed, and a well-worn pathway is evident. One accustomed to "standardized" trails will find this one poorly cleared. However, it is I easily followed. The trail slabs up the side of the valley, steeply in places. One mile from the end of the road, it ends at the old carriage road. A few feet I to the L is the trail to Black Snout. To the R a little over l/2 m., is the summit of Mt. Shaw.
DISTANCES. Carriage road 2 1/2 m. (2 1/2 hrs.); sum-| mit 3 m. (3 hrs.).