Tom, Field And Avalon

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Ed'n Lauky

Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Blairsville GA ......... Avatar-- On top of S
The A to Z and Willey range trails are in fairly good condition. The Avalon trail is a mess with numerous blowdowns and full of snowshoe postholes. As was mentioned in yesterday's report Snowshoes should be worn and they will help with postholing, but they will not prevent postholing. The trail shows some signs of postholes by barebooters near the trailhead, but higher up the postholes have all been made by snowshoes. Huge!! postholes. One tip, after passing the Avalon trail, the trail goes down into a gully. At that point it veers right and heads up along the gorge. At that point, do not head straight up the other side as many have done. The trail is not consolidated that way and you will find it very difficult.

The two major stream crossings are passable but you will have to wade a bit. There is a lot of water flowing right now.

We used snowshoes all day. Not much else would work today. By the way, staying on the monorail is not as easy as it sounds. Today it was collapsing in many places.

It was a beautiful day for a hike although the temperature near 70 made the snow very soft. Beautiful VFTT, especially from Avalon. The day started with the special treat of meeting MEB and Little Sis, in the Highland Center parking area.

Ed 'n Lauky and Rick O'Chez