Tongue Mountain 5 mile Peak

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Hiked on Feb. 10th. and signed in @ 11:21 AM. Perfect day to hike; sunny, no wind and 34 degrees. The entire trail is heavily iced the entire way and is very treacherous. I made this hike with traction assistance and walked in the woods by the side of the trail the whole way. Since it is only a 5.2 mile round trip hike with a modest 1800' elevation gain, I didn't mind the extra time involved. Next time I will bring my Kahtoola Microspikes when I return this week. The peak was void of any snow or ice and there is a significant clearing offering great views at the northwest direction. Only saw two other hikers on the way down, otherwise it was quiet and peacefull. The mountain streams are running at a good rate in case one wants to fill up a hydration system along the way. Signed out @ 4:05 PM. Great day in the woods.