Honestly, this looks like a list I would see in the Martha Stewart magazine. Relatively gentle soccer mom hikes that the general public would enjoy, but not the best hikes in the NE. I do not need it to be an ass kicking hike to be the best hike, but views, effort, and general scenery/terrain all play vital aspects to what rocks the casbah. I love Acadia, but the trail they picked...maybe the 7th or 8th best hike on the island, in my not so humble opinion. Camel's Hump, i think is a good pick. Top 8, maybe-maybe not. A New Jersey hike??? Sounds like an oxy-moron.
If i had my own list, a few picks would be
-Katahdin- pretty much any route. This could be numbers 1-3 here for best hikes in the NE.
-Acadia- The precipice, beehive, dorr mt, and the west face trail up to cadillac mt are better choices than the hikes they mentioned in the article.
-mt washington- From tuck's or lion head, can't go wrong.
Tumbledown Mt- Maine- Great hike, beautiful scenery, mt lake. Good intro hike for people not in great shape.
Mt Mansfield- Pick any trail
The Bigelows- Maine- Awesome hike, great views