Way to go pulling together as a team to battle through a tough situation. Great example for all.
On Saturday I went up to South Weeks from the fish hatchery with Steve-o and donna (who predicted a 5-6 hour hike on packed trails). When we got to Willard Notch the trail was no longer broken. Then the fun began. Breaking trail through the deep snow was an issue, but that paled in comparison to the effort necessary to find the trail. The trees were covered with snow which obscured most of the blazes. We frequently had to scout ahead to find the next blaze before we could continue. It took us six hours to travel 2.5 miles from Willard Notch to the summit of South Weeks. And we didn't have to deal with cold or darkness.
Thanks for the kind words, mtnpa. I think that the distance from Willard Notch to South Weeks, not counting the meandering that we did, is closer to 3.7 miles (1.3 miles to North Weeks, 2.4 miles from North Weeks to South Weeks). My guess is that we took a little longer than your 6 hours on that stretch going in the opposite direction, but I do not recall anyone looking at a watch (or thermometer; too depressing) when we finally reached the York Pond Trail.