traction devices

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May 8, 2014
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manchester nh
I`ve been hearing lately,complaints about traction devices rusting up between uses. I found out somewhere that if once you get home,you can wipe them down, then spray them with a light amount of "WD40",it will prevent rust from happening. It even removes much of the corrosion that`s already there. I do this and it works. :)
Yup my Hillsounds do rust but I find that if I dry them out before stowing them back in the bag the rust is very light. I think a lot of damage may occur when folks walk out into the parking lot where there is inevitably salt carried in from the road.

A nice alternative to WD -40 may be Boeshield It acts like WD40 but leaves a light wax residue that may help a bit with balling.
The main cause of rusting of footwear (traction and snowshoes) is walking in road salt. Take them off earlier and you won't have a problem.
I have never had Kahtoola microspikes rust at all. I have a pair of IceTrekkers that I wear in Spring/Fall for thin, glazed ice conditions and they rust big time and have never seen road salt. Obviously a crappier grade of steel. For as infrequently as I use them I don't bother doing much to maintain. I'm not a big fan of WD'ing stuff. Don't like the idea of chemicals getting trampled all over the trails, plants, etc.
There was someone who studied the wounds and determined the shape was like a rock hammer, but additional evidence showed that the weapon had teeth on the lower surface.