Trail crews

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There are both paid and nonpaid trail crews.- the paid ones are paid by the clubs AMC, RMC, GMC,WODC,ATC, ADK etc. - Forest Service also pays their crews. Some of the work is funded by the government with funds dispersed by the clubs through cost share programs
Lots of organizations, lots of crews both paid and volunteer, as Cruddy Toes said. Add the DOC with both paid and unpaid crews to the list. The biggies in the Whites are the AMC, RMC, and USFS, who do a big share of the heavy lifting. The WODC, DOC, WV, and others all maintain a good sized chunk of trail as well. There are ways to volunteer with pretty much all of the organizations as well, plus organized volunteer crews.

USFS Contracts

USFS also lets contacts to individuals and organizations to do major trail work. I was one of those individual contractors in the early eighties. There is/was a bid proposal document from which you could bid on trail projects. The long boardwalk replacement on the Blue Brook Trail out of Wild River Campground was one of the projects I bid on.