Trail help needed

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Super Moderator
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Feb 2, 2005
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N44.55162 W70.32107
I am the maintainer for a section of the AT. Atwell Hill trail. That little two mile section is a wet and buggy mess. Well, anyway I had been promised a group of eight highschoolers and two college aged chaperones to assist in some turnpike repair for a few hours this coming weekend. I collected loads of buckets and tools, found a great site just off the trail for digging mineral soil, and even cut the tall grass to the site and along the trail where the fill is needed.

After all that preparation, Murphy's law prevailed and they can no longer participate.

If anyone would like to help, I would be glad to do beers and a cookout after, at my homestead only about fifteen minutes from the trail, in Wentworth.

Either saturday or sunday would be fine.

We might even do some trail magic at the Ore Hill Shelter only about 15 minutes up the trail. The ThruHikers are coming through as we read this.

Opportunity to "Pay it Forward" and be an "AT Trail Angel".

Too bad the Atwell Hilton is no longer available for the afterparty. But it did burn real good. :)

Thanks for taking that section of trail. It's not in the more specatular part of the Whites but it's a nice section of trail, and now close to the new Ore Hill shelter. The DOC and thru-hikers everywhere thank you.

Thanks Dave

Thanks Dave, Hopefully I won't have to do this alone. Even an hour or two from anyone wishing to build good personal Karma would keep this from being a total failure. All that is required is carrying two 5 gallon buckets with soil from the source, 25 feet to the trail, and dumping it in between the turnpike border logs and repeat until one is exhausted or the job is done. There are about a thousand feet of eroded out turnpike sections. That whole section is a real ankle breaker, and not very fun to traverse :(
I met a thru-hiker who complained about the bugs there even in late summer.

Can you leave an old bucket with a sign asking each thru-hiker to make a couple rounds? I bet many of them would love to do it.
I have a prior commitment this weekend. However, I will be taking two weeks vacation in August and would be more than happy to assist you in any trail maintenance that you might need.
Maybe August

MadRiver said:
I have a prior commitment this weekend. However, I will be taking two weeks vacation in August and would be more than happy to assist you in any trail maintenance that you might need.

August might be possible however I am heading back to Nova Scotia during the first two weeks. I will PM you after I get back to see if you are still available.

Thanks TomW
Would like to help. Not to sound dumb but where is this section of the AT. I could prob do a sunday if it isnt to far from my home.
Sunday would be super!

cp2000 said:
Would like to help. Not to sound dumb but where is this section of the AT. I could prob do a sunday if it isnt to far from my home.

This trail section runs north from Rte 25A where the AT crosses coming N from Mt Cube. It runs gently up hill for two miles where it crosses Cape Moonshine Road. The section needing the work is closest to Cape Moonshine Road. Parking is very limited at the trail crossing so your best bet is to come to my little homestead up on Atwell Hill Road and carpool to the trailhead. I live only five minutes from the trail crossing. I will PM you with directions. By the way, it's about 35 minutes from Ashland.

Looks like now there are three :D
Sunday @ 10

Looks like there may be four of us doing the trail work. At this time, Sunday at ten AM for two or three hours of lugging plastic pails of sand to dump on the trail. With luck and some sweat we may be able to provide less ankle destruction and faster hiking for the AT thru hikers. Still looking for volunteers :rolleyes:
Hillwalker said:
Looks like there may be four of us doing the trail work. At this time, Sunday at ten AM for two or three hours of lugging plastic pails of sand to dump on the trail. With luck and some sweat we may be able to provide less ankle destruction and faster hiking for the AT thru hikers. Still looking for volunteers :rolleyes:

I'd love to help but with Jess and I moving in less than a week we're going to have a pretty full weekend as it is. Good luck. I'll come up for a mid-week trail maintenance after Aug 1.

-Dr. WU

Hooray, Now it looks like there are five :D

Nine AM this coming Sunday. Meeting at 486 Atwell Hill Road in Wentworth which is only five minutes from the trail. If anyone alse would like to come, Atwell Hill Road is the road beside the Wentworth, NH Town Offices off Route 25. #486 is exactly 2.2 miles up Atwell Hill Road. Little brown house with a big view on the right side of the road. I only have Sam Adams and Heinies in the reefer, but do have dogs and burgers and am willing to throw a shrimp or two on the barbie. That is if Barbie shows up :p
Hi, my name's Barbie and I'd like to do some trail work

I checked the map tonight and that looks like an easy distance from my house. I'd like to help out, sounds like the more help you have the better. Do I need to bring anything special for equipment. Shovel or something? Work gloves? I've never done trail work before, but it's something I've always wanted to help out with. Seems like a good opportunity. If it's rainy, still gonna happen?


p.s. just so you're not disappointed, I look nothing like Barbie.
You are certainly welcome

Hi Jen, Of course you are welcome! I will PM you my phone number and address. It is still gonna happen in the rain. Bring work gloves if you have them, and bug stuff. I usually work that section in rubber barn boots, but hiking boots will suffice. My guess is that we will be finished by early afternoon with all these helping hands :)

Thanks, Tom

When I first posted this appeal I wasn't sure that it would attract any helping hands since many of VFTT members live at quite a distance. However, the response has been wonderful.

The current weather forecast for Wentworth is "chance of rain" on Sunday. Let's hope that holds true. Anyway, I hike in the rain so working in the rain is only wet :D

You can be sure I will bring a camera....These great people deserve some recognition......Pictures will be posted. :p

Just a suggestion to those coming on Sunday. Bring some dry clothes to change into once we finish. My house is only five minutes from the trail and it's warm, dry and the beer is at 40 degrees. With all the help promised we should be done and consuming mass quantities early. Right Beldar?

Miss you Wu and Jess. Happy moving you two :cool: