Trail sign for permitted use

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Where is this? I need to I can avoid it like the plauge :D:p;)

Dunno. Found the link on another forum, but you know how these things go around. The caption (here) says New Jersey but the web site is a collection of funny signs put up by a newspaper in the UK.
Yep, the logos on the sign belong to the New Jersey Dept of Environmental Protection and its Division of Parks and Forestry.
Maybe it’s a trail that’s used for some type of modified biathlon. Instead of the traditional biathlon event that combines X-C skiing and rifle shooting, perhaps this trail combines hiking and dodging bullets that are fired by guys hiding in the woods?! So, instead of “Live free or die”, the motto here might be “Get fit or die”!:eek:
This must be somewhere around where Jay lives! :D

They definitely look like NJ's signs they have up in the Kittatinys and High Point, I'd ask snowshoe who lives up there. As far as by me, I have a NYNJTC foot trail only in my driveway.. :)

They definitely look like NJ's signs they have up in the Kittatinys and High Point, I'd ask snowshoe who lives up there. As far as by me, I have a NYNJTC foot trail only in my driveway.. :)


Actually, I was just kidding. It looks like sand dunes behind the sign. Island Beach maybe? I don't think there's hunting there though.

I've seen signs like that in the Highlands too, like Wawayanda.