Tripyramids (N & M) via Scaur Ridge Tr from WV 12/16/08

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Becca M

Active member
Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Pelham & Bristol, NH
Conditions: Icy/crusty Livermore Rd; icy crust with good support for snowshoes on Scaur Ridge Tr (a few postholes in the trail though); ice & lots of postholes in the steeps on Pine Bend Brook Tr (PBB). Very few blowdowns anywhere. Lots of little twigs on the flatter sections of all trails - not much to physically move.

Special Equipment: I skied Livermore Rd. It really isn't skiable; there are large patches of ice and frozen crust. It didn't save any time but was a break from the usual. For the downhill I mostly "snowplowed" tho it was over mostly ice, which may be one of the reasons nobody was out today.

I snowshoed Scaur, PBB, & Mt Tripyramid Trail to Middle Tripyramid & back to ski out on Livermore Tr. Once the snow comes, there should be good snowshoeing on the nice solid base.

Comments: Pleasant day to be out; temperature started at 30 this am and was 15 on the summits; light breeze and excellent views!

Name: Becca Munroe

Date: Tues, 12/16/08