Twin Mountain-Catskills 4/15/08

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Dan Schmidt

Platte Clove Road opens legally today. It is has no problems.

Roaring Kill parking area--Elka Park Road
-Pecoy Notch Trail to Devils Path
-onto Twin Mountain

Down low the trail ranges from dry to very muddy.
After the beaver pond (full of chirping frogs) the trail becomes icy.

Ascending Twin Mountain from the Pecoy Notch trail was difficult without crampons. Beware of unstable ice. Descending was slow, very slippery.

I reached the first good view after the cave. It was a very clear day. I could see Mohonk, the Ashokan Reservoir, and the firetower on Hunter. It was beautiful, though muddy, down low. But winter still clings to the summits.

Special Equipment: bring crampons if you plan to summit

-Dan Schmidt-