Two to finish the NEHH on Sunday!

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Avatar: Mt Washington
Posion Ivy and Tramper Al are both planning on completing the NEHH list on Sunday in Vermont. Amy on Big Jay, and Al on Jay Peak. Al also will be completing his section hiking of the Long Trail on Monday.

We will be heading up there on Sunday to join them and can offer a ride to a few others from the Twin Mountain area. What better way to celebrate the Labor Day weekend. Hope to see some of you VT and NY folks up there!

Contact us for further info via email please regarding timing.

And if you can't make it - be sure to offer them you congrats!
Congrats Amy & Al... can't be with you.
Got to finish the roofing so we can get out hiking this
weekend in the White's.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!!
Félicitations! in advance to you both.

Unfortunately will not be able to share your triumph & joy on this one.

BTW I'm jealous Amy that you'll be beating me to the finish line for NE100; but that's what happens when you're chasing too many lists at the same time.

Happy hiking & hoping to climb again with you & your gang.

WHOO HOO! Way to go both of you, what an achievement!

Tramper Al must have traded in his canoe for a while to get this done!

Congrats to you Amy, sorry I can't be there, but hope to be out there with you soon!

Christine :)
We're glad to report that Amy and Al both completed the NEHH today. A few minor showers, more like a mist at the start of the hike, but the rest of the day was only overcast with some bright spots. Fun hike! Photos on Tuesday.
Congratulations to you both & glad the rain wasn't as bad as predicted!!


Great job Amy- you remain the trooper that you always have been!!!

Thanks everyone... it was a great weekend despite a little bit of rain. :) Really the best part of hiking the NEHH was getting a chance to meet so many awesome people along the way. Just from my first ascents of each mountain on the NEHH list, I got a chance to meet 42 terrific hikers that I wouldn't have met otherwise if this hiking bug had not caught me.

Special thanks to Tramper Al, Bob & Geri, Drewski and MtnMagic for hiking up the Jays with me and being there for my finish of the list. Special thanks also goes to HikerBob & Kaboose for taking Labor Day off to shuttle a couple of weary section hikers back to our cars.

As for what's next, I have this little gap in my Long Trail miles that I might just head out to finish. I'm not done with Vermont yet! :)

- Ivy
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You guys have been working hard on this list. Congrats