Mount Washington is an official site. There's sites all over New England. A few do backcounty flights too from hike access places that are rarely ever flown, but once you are in the air, the goal is to ride thermals and cloud hop to go distances. No different than a hawk.
Drones have WAY more restrictions than ultra-light aircraft. But there are WAY more people flying drones than paragliders!
I swear I remember a controversy years ago when someone was proposing a heli access operation in the Presidentials, but I can't find anything on-line about it. That oddly written "no landing or delivering of anything" order is from 2019 so not that old. I always assumed it was related to that. I don't think the NFS want's any mechanized access so that order pretty much shuts that down. The Cog told me that they weren't allowed to offer any access to NFS land so no ski trains servicing the ravines. Only access to their own property.