Upper Valley Beer Night interest?


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Jason Berard

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2006
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N. Thetford, VT Avatar: Cabot, winter 2011
Nashua is too far for me, and I'm wondering if there is interest in an Upper Valley Beer night? Norwich Inn Pub, or seven Barrel Brewery seem like possible options for a meeting place, depending on interest. I'm not sure how many of us there are in the area......
My vote is for the Seven Barrel Brewery, but only because I haven't been there yet.

EDIT: needs to be after 7PM too . . . gotta help put the rugrat to bed
heck, I have 5 aging in the cellar right now.
I am a fan of 7 barrel due to the atmosphere and the food.
I'm more of a fan of the Norwich Inn because I know the brewmaster, their brews are better, and one can enjoy it outside with free bar mix.

I'm down for anything. My place by the river, W. Leb, Norwich. Honestly, my place is a drunken stumble from the Inn, so that's my vote.
Oooo...a logistical conundrum

I would be very interested in joining in with some Upper Valley folks for beer and hiking talk. However, here's my problem: Chip is going to be out of town until Thursday evening around 7:30 or 8pm. His mother is coming through the area and wants to stop at our house overnight. I would be the only one there to greet her and visit with her until he gets home. Going up for beers would mean that she'd have to hang out at our house by herself until he got home. Not such a bad thing, but boy it seems rude. "Sorry Mother in Law, I'm not going to be here because I'm going out for beers with people from this crazy hiking bulletin board." Hmmm...

I'll think about how I can work this. I prefer the Norwich Inn, especially if you can sit outside or on the porch or something. I've never been a big fan of Seven Barrels, but it wouldn't stop me from joining the party if it happened there.
A 7pm pre-hike sounds good. Bustin' outta work early today to head to the VFTT ADK BBQ (you have to say that out loud to get the full effect..)Never hiked in the 'daks before. I'm looking forward to it and the weather seems to be clearing nicely! Hoo-rah!