Upper Works Jump Off 7/16-22 (23)


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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2003
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No Reading, MA Avatar: Crater Rim, Mt Rainier, 8/4
Ok, I have most of the planning down (I seem to have forgotten to tell the weatherman!!!) and I'm ready to head out to the DAK's.

Here is my rather aggressive itinerary (for me anyway, and it had Harry cracking up before I revised it, now he just smiles). I plan to head out from Upper Works around 7:00 AM on Friday with a few folks from this site. I have an additional day in there for rain or rest (or both!), so at any given time the days could shift. Others are planning to join me later in the week, but it's all up in the air (funny how mentioning Couchie draws blank stares)

FWIW, I'm slow, like to stop and smell the flowers. I do push hard, and want to see everything I can (I hope the weatherman are listening). Hopefully the time estimates I have are somewhat realistic.

I don't have a lot of time to respond to anyone eMailing me, but I'm pretty easy to spot and cast a fairly wide shadow. I'll print out any responses before heading out and read them on Thursday night. Hope I see some of you out on the trails! I'm a fairly social guy, so don't be shy if you run into me, or want to join up for any part of the trip :)

See the attached file for my itinerary (maximize it to read it more easily)
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Plans look good... good and aggressive!

Was up Marshall yesterday and the Herbert Brook route is as beautiful as ever. You should like that one. At times you'll feel like you're in Costa Rica or some place tropical and green.

For MSG, up Gray- the herdpath directly over to Marcy, then down to 4corners, Skylight and back to camp is also an option.

If whipped, Colden could wait for a Phelps, Tabletop trip...

Don't know if I'll be up there during your trip, but good luck and have a blast!
Tim, thanks for the great info (I just clicked print) :)

Sherpa, that's a very aggressive week. You will want a break in the middle somewhere, but within a week you'll likely be forced to sit as mother nature has a way of watering the plants :D.

I'm planning a similar hike in September, I like the idea of climbing Marshall on the way in (ditching the backpack of course lol). Good luck and enjoy the very unusually cool mid summer weather, it's been a treat this summer :).
Doc: I am hoping to do what you recommend, depending on weather and who I'm with. I'll have plenty of notes with me (I'm starting to understand why the pack gets so heavy)

Tim: as always, your input is invaluable. It will feel good to be out there, but till then, reading about it has been great! Your recent trips have been of great interest and assistance to me. How you keep such copious notes while hiking with your kids amazes me.

I guess it's almost time to start walking! (swimming :().

Great luck and have fun! Sorry I'll miss you but I'm going into Skylight Brook Friday on the way to becoming a 46-r on Allen Saturday with 2 others who are also finishing. Perhaps you want to consider adding Allen to your itinerary? :eek: :D

I must second Tim on the Cliff route. I did it in mild winter conditions 2 years ago from Uphill LT and it took 3 in-shape veteran hikers just about 3 hours round trip. Some say it takes much less but don't count on it, esp. if you "stop to smell the roses". Also, I think many people miss this point: There is a significant false summit on the way to Cliff. Many people stop there and call it "in the bag", but 'tis not so. Make sure you tag the top.

Enjoy the Santanoni's too!

Happy and safe hiking!
DeadFred: The "revision" that I mentioned was dropping Allen. I was going to come in on the route that rico did. I'm starting to figure out that Harry knows what he's talking about ;)

Early congrats to the 3 of you finishing. I'll salute you when (if) I make it to the summits on Saturday!

False summits lead to false 46ers. Better to fail trying than to count it that way IMO.

True to what Harry told you...that route to Allen you were considering is a real brutal path. Better to do it straight from UW or longer route from Elk Lake.

Thanks for the early congrats. There will be no "if"!!:D Unless Dakota can't make it, but she's never seen a mountain she can't climb!

False summits lead to false 46ers. Better to fail trying than to count it that way IMO.
Truth!!!!! It NEVER counts until you tag that summit!

Have a safe trip and enjoy the wonderful ADK's!
I wish I could spend that much time up there! I recommend that on day 3, climb Skylight FIRST. That way, you'll avoid the crowds. Marcy is always crowded. At least you can enjoy Skylight if you head up there first. Have fun. -ALG
Clearing the Cliff Path

If you want to buy a folding saw which you can leave on the trail to Cliff with a note (preferably laminated and attached with a zip tie) which reads "Cliff Trail Clearing Volunteers' Saw-Help Your Friends and Cut One Tree on the Trail!", I will pay you for it.

I am hoping to do Cliff soon, and hope that you and the others in front of me will do me a huge favor and get those belly crawl sections cleared out. (Either that or I have to work a little harder on my tummy!)

Thanks in advance!
As much as we all love to hate Cliff, without the blowdown and belly-crawl sections, it just wouldn't be as memorable...
What time do you think you will hit the trail Saturday morning? If I can't gather a group together for myself I may be interested in joining you.
AlG said:
As much as we all love to hate Cliff, without the blowdown and belly-crawl sections, it just wouldn't be as memorable...

In a very sick way I actually understand that :p
alistair: Not really sure, but somewhat early, as a few of us are bruised and battered, adn will be taking a leisurely pace. I'll guess we'll be leaving Feldspar by 8 AM. We'll be 4-7 (not exactly sure how many). Will be with ADK4487, crazymama, Daxs, and likely rhihn and his wife (Joanne?), so if you know any of them, we should be easy to find. I believe that we are tackling Cliff first (just guessing), but I'm sure it will be a last minute decision depending on weather pattern.

I'm clueless in the morning (ok, all day), so introduce yourself, and join in.
Sherpa, as you head up to Feldspar check the Uphill LT on the way. If open, have a couple people plunk down there. Feldspar will almost surely be full, so keep your options open. There are tent sites around the area so you should be in good shape, and the region has been slower this season. There are a few tent sites near the Uphill as well. If the LT is full (probably will be) you may want to have people grab a couple tent sites while one or two heads over to Feldpsar. It's only fifteen minutes or so between them.

It's hard to look at the LTs and plan on them being open around the weekend periods. Midweek they often are. In a pinch someone showed me a spot just off the Lake Tear trail as you leave the junction near Feldspar and head up toward Four Corners. There are some open flat areas on your right (Redfield side of the trail). Hopefully you won't have any site problems.

Have fun!

PLUS: As you near the summit of Marshall, you'll see a spur leading off to your left, with a small double blowdown to step over. TAKE IT! This offers the best views from the summit, and more importantly shows you Colden, Redfield, Cliff, Skylight, Gray, and Marcy. All the peaks you'll be climbing!
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Doc: tents are all packed. (I much prefer a tent to a Leanto). I guess we'll be getting to Feldspar around 4:00-4:30. Think we'll have any problems with tent sites around that time?

Thanks for the Marshall spur trail info. At this point, they all look alike to me :) so it wil be good to look at them first hand.

I really need this hike. This will be sweet regardless of what I manage to do. Any week in the woods is a good week. Hope I get to meet many of you that have helped me for this and other trips!
I think there should be enough sites to choose from, though I only know of the couple near Uphill LT. And the one heading up to Tear. You'll have plenty of time to scout in the daylight though, and more importantly you're heading in to the woods with the right attitude!

I'm sure everything will work out fine. :)

If you're up early for your Marcy day, just shove off to avoid the crowds. Skylight is awesome! Hang out there for a long quiet lunch.