Urban trail clean-up event


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Jun 23, 2009
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Our recent blog post concerning a badly trashed urban trail in Manchester garnered a lot of attention and inquiries. You can read the post here:
Several folks have said that they would be willing to take part in a volunteer clean up of the trail. So, we're putting the word out here to anyone in the Manchester area who may have an interest in taking an afternoon and helping us clean up Nutts Pond Trail.
First, this would not happen until after the holidays and as long as we don't get hit with a big storm.
Second, this would be entirely voluntary and everyone would be asked to bring their own supplies, garbage bags, gloves, etc.
Third, the trail is about a mile in length. I suspect that might take us a few hours depending on volunteers. If we really wanted to be ambitious we could fish the shopping carts and other crap out of the pond as well.
Here's what I'll do. If you are interested, send me a PM to my personal email, [email protected], with your contact info and a phone number. Give me some idea of what weekends in Jan. you may be available. I'll gather the info, and go from there.
Thanks in advance!
I've sent you an email, but I wanted to say here on VFTT a thanks for presenting a great idea for Manchester locals. I'm not one to say that I hope the snow holds off, but if January is like December has been, this might work out. I'll compromise by wishing lots of snow from Concord, NH north and Peterborough west. Okay? :)
Hi Ellen, got your message. Thanks for volunteering and for subscribing. It looks right now like the Clean Up will take place on Saturday, Jan. 7 from 1-3pm. That's weather permitting of course. We'll be in touch!
Hi all, just an update to any and all Manchester-area folks who would like to chip in and help clean up Nutts Pond Trail.
The clean up will take place this Saturday, Jan. 7 at noon. We'll meet in Precourt Park off South Willow Street. The clean up will only be about two hours and we'll focus on the trail and trail side from the park to about Gold Street. We'll save cleaning the pond itself until the summer!
Since this is strictly a volunteer deal, please bring about a half dozen strong garbage bags. Wear warm, but ratty clothes and gloves you don't mind getting dirty.
If this is something you're interested in, contact me at [email protected] and let me know.
Hope to see some folks there!
For those who missed it, we had a great time on Saturday. Just a few hours and a dozen or so people made a huge difference!
Ellen - Thank you and Brian so much for coming out. What a wonderful afternoon! We collected 12 bags of trash, three shopping carts, two tires, one skeleton and many, many weird mystery items!
We'll be going back out in May to rake the pond!
If anyone is interested in our trip report on the Clean Up, you can link to it here: http://ekpadventures.wordpress.com/2012/01/09/monday-round-up-return-to-nutts-pond-tires-and-trash-and-skeletons-oh-my/

Many thanks to all who took the time to do this!
