Valley Way and Osgood to Mt. Madison

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Date of Hike: 2/4/2008

Trail Conditions: Good base with a fresh inch on top. Snow deeper past campsite spur. From Hut to peak exposed rock with ice and snow filling in the voids. Cairns covered in snow made them blend in.

Special Equipment Required: Valley Way to the campsite spur is barebootable, I used Stabilicers. From the spur to the hut snow was deeper and stabilicers didn't work so well, but I was too lazy to put on shoes believing I would be changing again at the hut. Snowshoes would have worked best here. From hut to Madison Stabilicers worked well as would microspikes. Crampons could have worked too. I used snowshoes from hut down to trailhead.

Comments: New snow today will probably make snowshoes the best bet for the next hikers. I took 3.5 hours up and about half that coming down. Left hut at 1PM and was at car by 2:15 PM. Only a light breeze at the top. Bright sun and clouds filling the valleys and dotting in and out.

Your name: AndyF

Your E-mail address: [email protected]