VFTT Boston Brewfest Anyone???


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Where do we meet?

  • Mr. Dooley's on Broad Street (if the weather is nice, the windows are opened onto the street)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Thursday would work better for me, but I can probably be persuaded otherwise... It would be nice indeed to hoist a few in Sherpa's honor!
Probably can't make it since it is just a little too far, but you never know. I'll keep an eye on the thread and maybe, just maybe, see you guys there...
Dang, right you are, Sapblatt! Can't keep my social engagements straight anymore! ;)

FYI, I voted for the Salty Dog -- only because if the weather is nice, it'd be fun to hang outside around their outdoor bar, gab, people watch etc.
Doubtful. Only nights I can make are Monday and Thursday.
With the new baby and trying to get north to hike on Thursday you should not try to plan this nite around me - it is doubtful I can go...will have to drink at home...if I can stay awake! :)
A last minute proposal _ which will be cheered by some but not welcomed by others, as I know it's not necessarily the most convenient but ....

How about a mini-VFTT gathering at the Blue Hill Tavern? It's in the vicinity of, you guessed it, Blue Hills Reservation _ which would make it ideal for a gathering next Tuesday night after the Blue Hills hike.

A few of us may be able to carpool down from Beantown and/or drop folks off at the T stop nearby.

So ... how about we call this the VFTT BlueHills Beerfest?? :)
An executive decision: The Boston BeerFest will actually be south of town _ next Tuesday, after a few of us hike the Blue Hills.
Too bad I just gave up drinking, hiking, carousing, and swearing.

My only problem is that I'm a &%$#@'n pathological liar now.

Count me in.
I'm in.


I lived, literally in the Blue Hills, for 3 years, the month I move to {gasp} Rhode Island, it becomes a hot spot. :rolleyes:

Having said that...I'm in. I still work in Quincy.

Editors Note:
To all my new Rhode Island brothers and sisters...please...please...give this transplanted Bostonian some time to adjust.
