VFTT Boston Brewfest Anyone???


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Where do we meet?

  • Mr. Dooley's on Broad Street (if the weather is nice, the windows are opened onto the street)

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I'll be there. Nice 5 minute drive from home :) Good hikin', good drinkin'...sounds great to me.
Unfortunately, I can't make the hike because of a meeting after work, but I might be able to meet up after...can you please give me an address and an approximate time that you all will be there? Thanks!
hoping to be there as well (since blue hills was my original post!) . hoping to get a babysitter so wife can come too. - she is just starting to get back into hiking. :)

do I need to bring a sleeping bag, tent, extra clothes, survival blanket, etc. in case of an accident? :confused: :confused: :confused:

I to had something "come-up".

I am going to make the Tavern though....hope you can make that. Lots to discuss.

Hmmmm... should we reschedule given our "real" life obligations and the potential for rain???
Sorry Lisa & Giggy ....Mike and I want to go see SherpaK.
Tomorrow is his birthday. So we will not make the hike.
We're sooooooo glad he's home.
Soo, time and place to meet for hiking? Was that ever decided on?

and time to meet for drinking?

I'm hoping to make it for both, but might just be drinking.
sleeping bear said:
Soo, time and place to meet for hiking? Was that ever decided on?

and time to meet for drinking?

I'm hoping to make it for both, but might just be drinking.

Anyone? Bueller....Bueller?? :p

Lindsay, if everyone else bails I'll meet you for a nice rainy hike in the Hills then we can grab a beer. Give me a call or PM me sometime tomorrow.

Work commitment is tonight afterall, and it's a little late to get out of it now... bummer :rolleyes:

I can do next wednesday for sure