VFTT Family Hike 2005 - WMNF


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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2003
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Arvada, CO Avatar: Colden Spies ADKs
Seems like there is some interest in doing this, so I thought I would create a thread on it.

I think we should make this in WMNF as there are many car-camping spots that are both prestine and affordable. Car camping is the way to go with kids, and will allow those of us who have not hiked with our children an easy escape place.

As for hikes. Personally, I would like to go for at least 1 4Ker. It would also be nice to find a place that has some flat spots to let our sons/daughters stretch their legs.

I am by no means an expert on WMNF so I am looking for suggestions here.

People attending should have children, or be tollerant of those hiking with children.

This sounds like a great idea...
Dolly Copp Campgroundand the Madison Gulf Trail are out! :D

I have only car camped at Lafayette and that has a lot of good options, from the flat trails (Pemi) to easier stuff (out to Lonesome Lake) to a bunch of 4k options, like the Kinsmans, Lafayette, Lincoln, Cannon.)

Others may have more ideas particularly at some of the campgrounds along the Kanc.

Any other thoughts?
Great Idea for a post (and Trip). Something I've thought about posting for awhile (didn't know if it would generate much interest). Sadly, from here in Western NY, the 10 hour drives puts me out for this venture, but just wanted to put a word of support for it in, and make an general offer.

From now til Oct, Nov, we'll be in the ADK's 1-2 a month till then and most every hike we do (that we post on here anyway) is a kid-freindly hike. Being done with the 46 gives us alot more freedom now to do some other hikes (Firetowers, ADK100's, 46er redos), so if you have kids and wanna get them out with a few other kids (in the ADK's), let me know, we'll be around and hiking all Spring, Summer and Fall, and can work it out..

Not trying to hijack your post Percious, just offering up gereral kid-friendly hikes available a little further west. Make sure to post pics of your WMNF hike if it ever goes off, that'd be a hoot to see.

p.s. We're starting this weekend on Blue Mt (Sat) and Ampersand (Sun). Snowy later this month. My kids are 11 & 14
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No problem Mavs. Neil expressed similar interest, and he said his son would carry some H2O for me too boot! (Anything to slow him down) I think a hike into JBL and then up Big Slide, or UWJ/LWJ would be doable with my son. A good dayhike with him might be the brothers, retuning via JB. I don't really want to camp there because of the bears though. We shall see what May brings.

Bad date
I will be at the Escape the Escarpment hike for the Brain Tuomr Society sponsered here.
I would like to do something with the families also.
percious I would be into this maybe later in the summer where the 7 hour drive and kids school is not an issue

Mavs I have a 6 and 8 year old and will coming up to start hiking the ADKs.
If you are going on anyless strenuous hikes that you think are appropireate I would love to join in. I am a ADK newbie
I'd be game for something like this, Franconia Notch area or somewhere south of it perhaps. Percious, I assume you intend on bringing Colden in a Kelty type carrier of some sort if you do a 4000 ftr. Although my 3 1/2 year old son Brody flew up the blue hills in Canton several times last summer, I don't think he's ready for a 4000 ftr. He weighs 40 pounds and and is 41 inches tall. He looks out of place in the Kelty and IMO getting a little to heavy for it. He's in that between stage. I'll keep my eyes open if anything more comes of this potential family hike. TJH
TJH- 40 lbs... I understand. Colden is 25 this year. The thought of dragging 50+ lb up 4000 footer is quite daunting. I have a "Tough Traveler" which I highly recommend over the Kelty. I also have a Kelty, and if anyone wants it, it is for sale cheap. It gave me bruises, and never fit quite right, but it might be right for someone out there.
Franconia Notch sounds good. I have been looking for a hike that is flat start and finish, and soon after gets the elevation out of the way quickly. It would also be good if the trail was around 8 miles. There are lots of hikes like this in the dax.

May 20th seems bad for people. All that are interested should post dates that work for you. Bad Dates for me are: June 11th, and June 24th.

So far, one on our schedule is May 22, and we'll be hiking up -SNOWY PEAK- in the Adirondacks with our Family. It. not a High Peak, but it's a great peak with a firetower up top. There are some steep sections (and about 1900' total) but it can be considered a "family" hike.

Let me know if your interested.
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I am definately interested. Are you just dayhiking it, or will you be camping up there somewhere. I prefer to car-camp with Colden if we are going to drive all the way up.
