VFTT Gathering 8.5 - Maine


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Where in Maine would you like to have the Gathering?

  • Stratton/Kingfield

    Votes: 24 40.0%
  • Rangeley

    Votes: 13 21.7%
  • MDI

    Votes: 6 10.0%
  • Northern end of BSP

    Votes: 5 8.3%
  • Grafton Notch area

    Votes: 14 23.3%
  • Does the Gathering have to offer standard peakbagging mountains?

    Votes: 4 6.7%
  • yes

    Votes: 10 16.7%
  • no

    Votes: 23 38.3%

  • Total voters


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Sep 4, 2003
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Maine Avatar: We could use some snow around here
VFTT Gathering 8.5 - Maine - 1/13-16/06

Martin Luther King Day has been proposed and seems as good a weekend as any in January.
The Gathering will be Friday - Monday, January 13-16, 2006

It's been decided that the next winter Gathering (8.5) will be in Maine. Maine is a big state and has a lot to offer. So, we now have to decide where specifically we want to congregate...

The main choices as I see them:

1) Stratton/Kingfield area - has lots of 4ks, Sugarloaf, the White Wolf and many motel options (although perhaps not many camping options)

2) Rangeley - Saddleback Ski Area, a few 4ks, lots of tourists

3) Mount Desert Island (Acadia) - very quiet in winter, superb skiing, short-mountain peakbagging - lots of campgrounds and motels

4) Northern end of Baxter State Park - not great for peakbagging but offers great skiing into the park, great accommodations options at Matagamon Wilderness Camps and it's something different from what we usually do.

5) Grafton Notch area - has Sundary River, some good hiking along AT and some roadside attractions but no really close camping options.

I've also asked if the location needs to include normal peakbagging adventures. Please don't vote for "Does the Gathering..." - it's just my way of getting 2 polls into one thread.

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I don't mind a place with limited camping options as long as we're still able to have our big bonfire get-together. My vote was the northern end of BSP because I haven't been there yet, but if we end up in Kingfield I have no objections because I'll split my time between hiking and skiing the 'loaf. :D

Do remember there's an Acadia trip planned for the end of October, should anyone be interested in that location and not know about it. Cantdog's the organizer there.
I’m sure that Baxter and Acadia are quite attractive in winter but limiting peakbagging opportunities and moving so far to the east could greatly reduce the number of people attending.

Western Maine has options for more people. It would help to know just what the camping opportunities are in that area, however.
I went for Stratton just because Northern/Eastern Maine will be just too far for a lot of people travel in winter.

I don't know of a place in the that area for an REI event. Anyone know of a place? Maybe it calls for Gathering 8.25 or 8.75 for the REI event.

- darren
voted for MDI because I thought it would be nice to see in the winter. I would probably do anything, although BSP seems a bit extreme and a bit far for my first winter camping experience! It seems (on their website) that Acadia is pretty closed down in winter - can you camp and get to the trailheads?
I'm easy, but Rangeley is my first choice. Saddleback doesn't have the "dressed to the nines" crowd that Sugarloaf has, it isn't much of a drive to climb the peaks around Stratton, it's close to NH :D , and it's a great little town.

Let me see what I can find out about winter campground possibilities. The Oquossoc campground might be a possibility, and it's right on the lakeshore.

Oh, and thanks, everyone, for accommodating us Downeasters! ;)
I've already spoken to the folks at Cupsuptic and it's a very good option (cheap and accomodating) if people decide to do this in the Rangeley area.

there aren't any options yet for the Stratton area, although I'm working on a couple of sporting camps.

the National Park campgrounds in Acadia are closed (usually, Blackwoods stays open, but it is closed this year b/c of budgets). There are, however, several private campgrounds that we could look into if that wins out. Although it's the closet for me, I agree it wouldn't be the best option b/c of how far it is from many folks.

keep the thoughts coming everyone!

I supplied the warming tent the past two Winter Gatherings, However, this Gathering in 1/2006 I will not be able to attend - Sorry. Maybe someone else might have access to a larger group tent.
I voted for Stratton/Kingfield because of the close proximity to Abraham and Bigelow... although Rangeley isn't that far and would also be nice with Saddleback and numerous other (albeit smaller) mountains around. If you think about it, activities in the Kingfield/Stratton area are easily assessable from Rangeley and vise versa.

Northern Baxter would be awesome but I agree that it may limit the number of people who would attend.
I voted for Kingfield before I was against it, for the same reasons Darren voted for it, but before he voted for it (no i'm not a Republican making fun of Kerry).

What I mean to say is I voted for Kingfield without being fully advised in the premises as to the potential merits of Rangeley. I.e., I would rather slum it, but be near a ski area.

Hence, Mad Townie now has my proxy... :D
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Guinness said:
I supplied the warming tent the past two Winter Gatherings, However, this Gathering in 1/2006 I will not be able to attend

OK, that does it. I change my vote. NY.

(Not really, since with Gris's proxy I'd be adding 2 votes!)
Saddleback doesn't have the "dressed to the nines" crowd that Sugarloaf has,

Really ???? :confused: Yeah we got a dress code...remember jackets and ties required at the Bag!! If its at Saddleback, I'll have to break out my 1970's snowmobile clothes and straight skis, so I don't embarrass you guys.:D

Its funny....this is exactly what the folks that ski at Sugarloaf think of the people at Someday Bigger (I mean Sunday River) ! :D
Right now it's a toss up between Rangeley and Kingfield/Stratton but in all honesty any of these locations would be great.
