Views off Nippletop

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Yup, very nice ones, you're kind of in between the Dix range and the Great range... In the summer, there is a rock shelf with northerly views and just before that rock shelf there is a perch looking towards the Dixes...

I'm sure somebody will chime in with actual pictures though. :)

Study up or take a map with you - the views are excellent! As Jay mentioned, Nippletop has you placed in a grand, central location... especially looking back at the Great Range - it's dramatic with a feeling of "being right there". In all their glory -- they're right there in front of you!

Disclaimer: All hiking days are not equal. ;)
Here is a few of my pics from the summit of Nippletop in summer.



Those are some unbelievable photos, yvon! There's so little water content in the air that they look doctored (they're not, right?). Very nice. Tres jolie!

You, too, bignslow, but you can really see the difference in humidity between them.

Both also show the distinctive structural beauty of the high peaks, like picking out big-name buildings in the Manhattan skyline. They all flow as part of a whole.

Nice shots!
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The view that greeted us our first go round was STUNNING :D


Been up there on subsequent nice days and found the "actual" view to be quite nice. The views from the slide as you go up it are among my favs.
Water Water ...

Thanks Viewseeker. I do most of my hiking in winter when water is everywhere. Knowing that the water sources are scarce in summer is very helpful me and our group. Happy trails, Reekee