Visitor from the West needs help... fall colors trip?

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paul ron

Sep 5, 2003
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A young lady from Sequoia National forest and her girlfriend will be visiting her family friends in the Boston area and able to go camping around Oct 12th-16th. She wants to do some backpacking here in the NE while visiting but needs help.

As a Ranger in Sequoia National park, she is especially excited about seeing our famous fall colors and is looking forward to some backpacking either in the NH Whites, ADKs, Catskills or Vermont since she has never hiked here before but heard so much about us. She is not familiar with any of these areas and feels totally overwhelmed with maps and guides so she is looking for an easier way out like to do this maybe with someone that has some experience in the area.

Is anyone or a group of you guys and gals planning any trips during this time and willing to show off some of the best we have to offer here in the Northeast?

OR Perhaps... would anyone have the ranger's phone numbers for the Cats or the ADKs she can contact for help?
Not sure about my plans, Paul Ron, but the colors are starting to change up here already, so the Catskills may be the best colors for her timetable if the trees go a little early this year.

I saw the Sequoias in Yosemite last year for the first time and they were awesome. I hope she gets great colors during her trip East!
I agree that the catskills at that time period may be the best area.. Or perhaps the Shawungunks or northwestern NJ. However, you might be forewarn here that middle October can be prime hunting season here and in the catskills, not sure when is rifle season this year but might want to remind her to pack something orange. Of course, it also depends on where you go, not much hunting done above 3000ft, which hunter would want to drag a carcass that far...
