W Scar Ridge Peak via Loon Ski Slopes 7/16/11


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Jan 1, 2005
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Waltham, MA Jazzbo & Marty meet Bigfoot on Kenne
Mike S and I did W Scar yesterday via Loon. I snow-shoed Scar Ridge Peak from the Kanc back in February 2009, but our group only made it to the old summit. Skies were pretty clear for mid-July. The Walking Boss Ski Trails offered us excellent views to north. We could see White Mountains from Kinsmans all the way to Mt’s Washington and Carrigain.




Loon Mountain Ski Area deserves credit for well maintained ski slopes. The Walking Boss Ski Trails have excellent vegetative cover and water erosion is virtually non-existent. Vast beds of wild flowers offered a riot of colors.


Strawberries were very plentiful and at the peak of ripeness. We stopped frequently to sample them. Stop and smell the roses? No Stop and eat the strawberries!


After a 20 minute break in the shade of the ski lift, we went looking for the ski trail. We found the Out of Bounds Ski Trail without much trouble. The entry to the ski trail is located not far from summit area. There is big blue thing on a pole and yellow caution sign. It is probably easier to penetrate in winter when there is 4’ of snow, but is thick with brush now. The herd path travels along at fairly constant bearing. The point at which it starts to turn northward towards Black Mt is fairly obvious. That’s where we began our whack.

The ascent to W Scar from the ski trail was pretty benign. We seem to have stumbled on non-thick route going up taking only 1.5 hours. We essentially followed the spine of the connecting ridge at approx. 3460’. We then headed due east hit the summit cone. The last 300’ to the summit is guarded by blow-downs that were somewhat difficult to get through.

Last visitors to West Scar was Beth and Steve’s party back in 5/22. Almost 2 months ago! Can’t imagine why more people don’t visit more often!

Our route down, although it didn’t differ that greatly from the way up, was awful. It took us 2.15 hours most of the time spent in dubious battle with varying combinations of thick spruce and blow-downs. We actually crossed over our original route. The terrain north of our ascent route was nasty and terrain south of the original route may have been worse.

There is a long steep ledge that runs south of and parallel to the ski trail. Stay away from that thing. We strayed too far south of our original route and had to climb over it at end of our whack to get back to the ski trail. It was not fun. To top it off, in the midst of all of this, I didn’t bring enough water and ran out and started experiencing painful leg cramps. Luckily Mike wisely brought along extra water and saved my butt.

We regained the ski trail and were back to the ski slopes in 20 minutes and descended those in one hour. The ice cream stand at the parking area was most welcome. If I ever go back to West Scar, I won’t make the same mistakes, but I think I’ve joined the ranks of those who don’t ever plan to re-visit West Scar Ridge Peak.
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Last visitors to West Scar was Beth and Steve’s party back in 5/22. Almost 2 months ago! Can’t imagine why more people don’t visit more often!

Interesting. My friends Mike and Wendy (aka Windy on the boards) were up there last weekend. I know they were there since I saw the pictures. :D Sadly they did not find the great woods you (as well as me and my friends when we did it) found and had a real rough time.

I imagine not everyone signs registers for a variety of reasons...I like these bushwhack trip reports that make me go back to my notes and compare conditions. Of the bushwhacks on the NEHH, this was one of the hardest for me as I've heard with some others. "Hard to push through" and "tough!" from my 2003 notes - that was coming north from Little East Pond.

I have not gone back....just yet :D

Thanks for posting. Nice pics and open views from that direction.
The same thing happened to a bunch of us, when we took that route on 7/7/07. Ascent was a piece of cake, but going down, we couldn't follow our own footsteps and had a tougher time (but maybe not as tough as yours). We made it tough on ourselves by continuing to the "old" east West Peak, because back then it still had more general recognition. That was by far the toughest part of the hike - jagged rocks and holes and plenty of blowdowns.
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Interesting. My friends Mike and Wendy (aka Windy on the boards) were up there last weekend. I know they were there since I saw the pictures. :D Sadly they did not find the great woods you (as well as me and my friends when we did it) found and had a real rough time.


I didn't read every page of the register. I only read the last 3-4. I've read registers in the past where entries are sort of jumbled and out of sequence. I was trying not to mention the register at all, but lack of entries seemed newsworthy. Looks like I'm in trouble again with the BW police. :(
You might not want to go back to the west bump, but, there are plenty of other scar bumps up there to hit when you want a memory refresher!!! :eek:

Any scar souvenirs????? :eek: :eek:
I was trying not to mention the register at all, but lack of entries seemed newsworthy. Looks like I'm in trouble again with the BW police. :(

I wouldn't worry about it too much. :D With these NEHH peaks one has to sort of expect them there. In fact I would be more surprised if it DIDN'T have one. :eek: (though the exception may be Vose Spur....I hear that one disappears and reappears like it is a yo-yo ;) )

You might not want to go back to the west bump, but, there are plenty of other scar bumps up there to hit when you want a memory refresher!!! :eek:

Any scar souvenirs????? :eek: :eek:

Good question Becca! People like to say Scar always exacts a toll. On my first trip to W E Scar from the Kanc I was on the knife edge section of the spur ridge and I dropped my camera down the ravine. It was late in the day and there was no time to launch an expedition to retrieve it as we were sweeping for a large group and didn't want to keep them waiting with darkness approaching and all. I can still see that camera tumbling down the snow slope into the spruce. Nothing lost this time. Not even any major cuts. I hope moderators don't lock this thread on account of mentioning losing soimething 2 1/2 years ago. They locked my thread that time too.
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I got some myself after coming down the Kinsman Ridge trail walking back to the car. They are so yummy, and there were quite a few!

Sweet pictures out there, really nice views. Never seen the mtns from that angle before. You guys are strong, doin bushwhacks like that. I don't mind going thru open hardwoods, but I'm not sure if you could sucker me into pushin thru thick spruce. Yet...