Wallface Sept 2


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from Tahawus trailhead we crossed Indian Pass then began our bushwhack up Wallface from where the cliffs ended. Going not too difficult, but some cliffs to navigate around and occasional blowdown and spruce thickets to battle thru. Morrissey is right in his Other 54 book -- stay close to the cliff to find the more open woods.
Views at the summit are spectacular. Mountains, lakes and vistas all around. Lots of raspberries too. We thought of returning down the west side but the cliffs and longer bushwhack persuaded us otherwise.
Hot day, few bugs, but many mud wallows along the trails. I'm glad we didn't try this a few weeks ago after the rains. Glad to see the bridge up again over Indian Pass Brook. A 9.5 hour hike, #83 of my Adk 100 highest
