Washington DC Hikes & Natural sights around or near DC


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Little Rickie

New member
Dec 13, 2007
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Rochester, New York
I know this isn't in the NE but I'm going on vaction over the 4th of July this summer and besides the obvious tourist walks, I like to check out something more natural, especially since the temperature could be very hot in DC.

I know some of you folks travel far and wide. Any sugestions of places you have been to would be appreciated.

I'm seeking places my wife and daughter, who are not hikers, would enjoy and more isolated locations for 1/2-3/4 day hikes for myself.

DC Area

Catoctan Mtn Park, Old Rag Mtn in Shanandoah N.P., C&O Canal, Great Falls of the Potomac Park, Harper's Ferry.

Just a few that I enjoyed during my 15 years or so working for "Big Brother" in the "Puzzle Palace on the Potomac".
Hikes Around the DC Area

Here's a website that lists hikes of all kinds. Google LocalHikes.com. Then click on - Hikes and Trails near Washington-Baltimore area.
A great description of the trail, mileage, highlights, etc. Check it out.

I'll second Old Rag near Shenandoah State Park.....Also, the BillyGoat Trail at Great Falls and Sugarloaf Mountain. Enjoy your vacation...in our neck of the woods.
Little D
Catoctan Mtn Park, Old Rag Mtn in Shanandoah N.P., C&O Canal, Great Falls of the Potomac Park, Harper's Ferry.

As a former long-time resident of DC, I'd second Hillwalker's recommendations.

Also, the Billy Goat Trail at Great Falls.Little D

And, I concur with Jimmy Legs and Little D about the Billy Goat Trail -- nice little scrambles and vernal pools (with plenty of red-spotted newts swimming about) on one section. Not too far from the trailhead, along the C & O Canal, you can sometimes see some massive turkey buzzards on Bear Island.

While at Cactoctin Mountain Park, don't neglect to see Catoctin Iron Furnace.

Do you need more information on any of them -- for instance, what to expect for crowds/accessibility/etc. over the Fourth of July holiday? I've spent many a year planning around the crowds/traffic at all of these places.

Let me know and I can post it here or send you a PM.
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As another former DC resident (well, okay, it was in kindergarten and first grade), I recommend Rock Creek Park http://www.nps.gov/rocr/ if you don't want to stray too far from the city. Lots of nice, mellow trails there.

This site http://www.vhtrc.org/tr-runs.htm is running oriented, but of course the trails work for hiking as well. If you pull the page down a little over halfway, there are some good suggestions and directions to trailheads.

If you DO want to venture an hour or so outside the city, the Massanuttens (near Front Royal) are really nice.
Here's one more: Sugarloaf Mtn. Just west of Rockville, so its fairly close in to DC metro area. Its a private "park" akin to the Gunks in NY. Quite cliff-y. Google sugarloafmd. And best of all, its a monadnock! Can it get any better?
Thank you all. I've been told I've given out too many reputation points today.:(

Well I think you all have earned them so I'll catch up to all of you eventually. ;)
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