Several friends of mine, particularly the ones who have gotten into winter hiking in the past 5 yrs, have Hydroflasks. I don't observe them to be universally loved by their users. Liked, perhaps, but not loved. Stuff stays hotter for longer. But they weigh a lot. I like to hang my Nalgene in its foam insulator from the shoulder strap of my pack (down near my waist) for easy access. I haven't seem people do this with the Hydroflask, so I'm not sure how strong that loop on the top is; also the metal of a Hydroflask banging around might be kind of uncomfortable. I find that if I put boiling water into my Nalgenes, the one on my hip is plenty hot for the first half of the day, and the one buried in my pack comes out plenty hot to start the second half of the day, even in the coldest weather. I've brought a thermos of hot chocolate or soup sometimes, but I don't find those items quite satisfying enough to justify the weight/space. My one luxury item is usually real tissues. Heaven. YMMV. Anyway for me, a Hydroflask solves a problem I don't have, creates another one (how to hang it), and costs weight and money. Having seen how they work for my friends, I'm not currently tempted to spend the money. Maybe if I didn't have a crop of perfectly functional Nalgenes already. Also, I accept that I'm sooooooo 1997.