Waumbek-->Weeks(?) 2/5 (WWWWWWII)


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Feb 26, 2004
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Westwood, MA Avatar: Whiteface Mtn 11/05
Yes, WWWWWWII, that is Weather Weenies Who Want Waumbek and Weeks (as opposed to WWWWWWI, Waumbek With Woo Without Warm Weather [-20, that is]) set for Saturday, 2/5. The plan is Star King, Waumbek, and then on to Weeks until we are either pooped out or get it. So far it's me and Ski-Mom. Start time to be determined in short order. Weather looks pretty nice. All takers and recommendations welcome!
It's funny, David, I almost PM'd skimom and asked her if she wanted to do Waumbek -- even though I did it a few weeks ago. I want to do it again this winter but for various reasons I decided to go to The Catskills instead.

It's a really beautiful hike. But if you want to do that car spot, start early because it's like 1 hour in each direction.

-Dr. Wu
Skimom: Sorry -- I'm already comitted to this Catskills Hike for Saturday. I'm looking to do Carrigan this winter for sure (I don't ski, but a 14 mile day hike shouldn't be too bad if (hopefully) Sawyer River Road is broken in) so I'll have to join you for your 48. Is this Winter 48 or just all season? What will you work on afterwards?

David: 3.5hours sounds right. I went 93 to 3 to 115 to 2 (make a left on 2). Park in the lot right across and slightly west of the trailhead if your car can't make it to the actual Starr King trailhead. I don't know what condition that road is in now.

I wish I could do like, 8 different hikes on Saturday -- Starr King/Waumbek, Catskills (Blackhead Range, Windham High Point), Southern Presi Traverse, Mt. Nancy, Haystack & Basic (Adirondacks) and so on. Alas, the allure of the Catskills from last weekend made me chose this one. Also, I couldn't decide on a route for the Southern Presidentials (which I had actually posted!) that suited me. Have a great hike! Mary Ellen -- maybe you can pry her away from the Whiteface hike.

the plans are little more concrete

9:00 at the Star King Trail. Car spotting is not highly likely, but still a possibility for a through hike. No strong intentions of a major out and back to Weeks, but an unlikely maybe for some of it.
Hey! Skimom! You poaching people from Ivy's hike? :eek:

Dang! This hiking lark is getting competitive :rolleyes:

Don't forget the snowshoes :D

I'm still on for Whiteface even though I really would not mind doing Waumbek again.

Skimom I would love to join you on your last hike and I will make sure to bring plenty of peanutbutter balls for everyone!
