webshots website troubles


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the starchild

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Sep 7, 2004
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key west. Avatar: south sister rim
i am not sure where to post this, but as it pertains indirectly to this website and posting photos for trip reports on this website i hope it is allowed and someone can shed some light.

i cannot rearrange photos in 1 album and the album doesn't show up except in "my photos" and its a public album. I have had all sorts of issues for the last 2 weeks. i also got a coupon via email from them apologizing for the troubles(i never emailed them as i only have the free account and there is no tech support:(

has anyone else had issues posting photos there lately? any ideas what's going on? I wanna post my bear pond trip:)
Sometimes it does take a short time to show up in your "community" However, you should be able to rearrange your photos using the "webshots desktop" which you can download... Then you don't have to use the website to do that...

To do that using the Webshots Desktop

1) log into your account using the "My Photos Online" tab
2)Select the album you want to modify
3)Right click and select "rearrange photos within album"

I just posted some pictures of the Flooding in NJ yesterday and I did get that same email from them, but I had no problems with mine.

If you have to use the website (like if you're on a Mac, I'm not sure if the desktop was ever ported to the MAC OS), then I'd suggest you bookmark where your "community" homepage is and perhaps give it some time.

You can also try to delete any cookie that webshots stores on your PC, perhaps it got corrupt or so, sometimes that can mess up your settings or so...

I had the same problem....

I'd suggest just trying to log-on during non-peak hours (early AM is perfect) or just waiting for webshots to play catch up. I made some changes and thought they weren't accepted by webshots. I came back 8 hours later and they had gone through....

I understand your frustration though...webshots has had some major issues the last few months. Hopefully they'll do something about it.
I've recently been having problems with webshots a well, mainly viewing other peoples photos from my home browser (mac os9 IE5). The link to my own photos that I posted last weekend wasn't working from my home computer as well, so I had to go to my studio to check them (there I'm running OSX).

They also sent me an apology with a coupon, so I expect something's up with their site.
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