Westkill and a few other parking lot reports


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Tom Rankin

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
Bloomville, New York
Lot at end of Spruceton Road is plowed.

The register has no pencils and the pens were all frozen.

There was about 12-18" of fresh powder, and no evidence of anyone being here recently. Quite a few blowdowns looked like no one else had been over them, and a zillion conifers were bent over the trail.

MSR Snowshoes used all day, did not need crampons, but there is some ice under the unconsolidated snow.

P.S. The 'Rusk' lot and the one just beyond it (East) were not plowed out, nor was the lot at the end of the Devil's path. They did look like they had been plowed after the previous storm, FWIW. The 'Halcott' lot was plowed and footprints lead up the slope.