Oh no, thread drift to the dreaded Di Hydrogen Monoxide scandal. Looks like VFTT is going to finally have to take a stand on whether or not we will continue using Di Hydrogen Monoxide when hiking.
There seem to be two theories about how DEET works--one is that it blocks the mosquito's sense of smell (they locate their victims by smell so it would be a "blinding" agent) or that its smell is offensive to mosquitoes (ie it actually repels them).
Insects that locate their victims by sight might not be affected by DEET, which might account for its ineffectiveness at defending against horseflies and deer flies. (Speculation--I have no references.)
A new study suggests that DEET confuses mosquitoes olfactory machinery rather than repel or (smell) blind them. http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/334531/title/Science_gets_the_deets_on_DEET
Deet is a solvent. I guess that the finish (varnish? shellac?) should be added to the list of substances that can be dissolved by Deet...I applied some Ben's and the next day the finish was bubbling where my pickin' arm met my mandolin. Bummer.