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DougPaul said:
There is a lot of crap out there.

This report had a bit of the smell of one who "knows the answer" and selected the research to support it.

Social and psychological "research" has lots of theories and speculation but is often weak on real evidence.Doug

Agreed Doug. That is why I had said that one study usually isn't enough, not to mention it should be published and peer reviewed. :D

SAR-EMT40 said:
Agreed Doug. That is why I had said that one study usually isn't enough, not to mention it should be published and peer reviewed.
I'll second that. More studies are usually better than one. (But they can all be bad or funded by the same organization.)

Publishing and peer reviewing usually helps--but peer reviewers can also have conflicts of interest.

But look at what was happening with commercially funded medical studies--they were only being submitted for publication if they made the product look good. (Make enough studies and statistical variation will let you choose the one most favorable to one's bottom line.)

To preserve the integrity of the process, some of the medical journals started requiring studies to be registered at the start and that the results--including the unfavorable ones--be published.

And of course, there's the current trend of announcing one's results in the news media prior to or instead of publication...

from what I have been reading - there have been more than the normal accidents in the cascades so far this year - this was probably a reaction to that in the seattle area. anyone who watches channel 7 knows how the news can kind be a bit over the top on the smallest things.