What Next? Imagine Doing this off a MT!


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Kind of makes you wonder what the "In memory of Chris Martin" link on the page is all about, though, eh? :eek:
Perhaps they have a forum just like this one except one of the sections is devoted to obituaries.
In 2003 I saw someone parasail off the summit of Mt. Greylock. He hiked up with his pack, set the thing up and just took off. I watched him for over an hour, first floating at about 5000' then drifting down into the Valley for a while and then shooting up to about 7000'. It was amazing.
Greylock is where it's at!

Hey I was up there this spring and saw about a half dozen of those parasailors!! There were so awesome, including the tandems. I believe it is a regular meeting place, since I recall seeing them when I was a little kid on Greylock. I have also seen them at Petersburgh Pass, near White Rocks.

Cool but not for a wuss like me....... :rolleyes:
In MA, I've also seen parasailers from Mt Tom and over Petersburg Pass. I talked to one. He said that carrying the equipment up was difficult more due to the bulk than weight. I can't remember how much he said it weighed.
I have a skydiving friend who has heard of these things. He said they used to have solid wings and were called "bat wings" but they were made illegal after too many folks died!

There was a movie at the Banff Mountain Film Festival a few years ago involving using these things off of a fjord in Norway. Those guys went very, very far. Impressive.
