What not to take on an airline...


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My experiences

I noticed the stove on there. I think it's safe to say that fuel canisters aren't allowed whatsoever, but I've flown with my Primus Yellowstone and MSR Whisperlite stoves between Tampa, FL and Newark, NJ twice and didn't have any problems. However, I believe I recall someone posting on another backpacking board that they didn't have the same success I did.
They don't want cannister or even the stoves on the plane as baggage or carry ons.
The explosive sniffing machines and perhaps even bomb dogs can smell the petroleum or petroleum residue from used, but empty stoves.
I meant to mention that I had a folding Buck knife with a 4 1/2 inch blade in my carry-on and no one at Logan said anything. I had forgotten it was in there from my previous trip. I found it when I was on the plane and couldn't believe it made it through security. The guy in front of me was from El Salvador and didn't speak any English. He had a few very small technician's box wrenches and they harassed him and confiscated the wrenches.

Makes you wonder what kind of security we really have if my knife slipped through.
