It's fun to say I AGREE WITH Iagreewithjamie!
I think its litter. Much more appropriate ways to honor those who gave their lives.
For my part I have picked up trash from one end of the Whites to the other and have always practiced LNT. This isn't trash, yet. When it is, it will be removed, if not before. As for the argument that it has nothing to do w/ the Whites, then what does Flags on the 48 have to do with the Whites? How many who died on 911 were avid hikers of the Whites? A small percentage is my guess. In my mind these memorials are just like Flags on the 48. A TEMPORARY memorial, nothing more. If it is harshing your mellow to think about those who have died so that you have the freedom to wander these hills then remove what you find offensive and move on... Makes me wonder how many LNT people have camped in illegal spots in the back country...
God Bless America, the flag of the United States and all those who have served under it past, present and future... and if you think I am a conservative flag-waving war monger, then you don't know me very well...
As for me, I'm not going to "like" his page just so I can tell him I don't like what he is doing.
Nobody is owed a free pass simply for insisting their cause is just.
...All of those who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan volunteered.
I was drafted during the VietNam War. I "joined" the Air Force to meet the draft obligation. The military regarded me, and tens of thousands of other draftees who joined branches other than the Army as volunteers. Did we regard ourselves as volunteers?
Let's keep this thread focused on trash.
I view this as unsightly trash and breaking all rules of LNT. Could it be removed immediately, please?
Oh, and don't stop there. There are seven more just like it...
Ignoring the legal / enforceable status of Leave No Trace for a moment, there are laws against littering. That said, memorials are usually, at least temporarily, not viewed as litter. Perhaps many could request (on the 48 For The Fallen FB page) that the Flags-on-the-48 folks take these memorials down, including the staples and/or tie wraps?
I view this as unsightly trash and breaking all rules of LNT. Could it be removed immediately, please?
Oh, and don't stop there. There are seven more just like it...