Where To Send E. Kennebago Log Book?


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Dec 16, 2003
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Cape Cod
I've read a few posts that a new log book is needed on East Kenebago. I'm heading up to this sumit in a few weeks and will replace the old log book. Anyone have any idea where the full log book should be sent? To what address? Maybe the AMC HQ in Boston? Any input appreciated...
Why not leave it there so visitors can read the old one AND sign the new one?

I like to see entries going way, way back.

The old logbook from E. Kennebago is gone and probably in the mail to Gene by now. A group of us were up there on 7/31 and took it down with us. There are a few pieces of paper in there, but no official book right now.

As far as I know the logbooks get sent to Gene Daniell. I know of a few that have been sent his way anyhow!
spencer said:
I sent the White Cap one to Gene this past winter. I never heard back from him, but I'm assuming he got it.

Are you sure? When we did Whitecap in July of this year there were lots of entries from the previous year. Here's some entries from August '03 of some familiar names: Whitecap log

yup, I'm sure I sent a log book back to him after a trip to both White Cap and NKN this winter.

Am I sure it was the one from White Cap and not NKD? Nope

Am I sure it wasn't that there were two in the White Cap cannister and I sent the older one that was falling apart? Nope

obviously, my memory is poor, but a few other contributors were with me and might pipe up with the details of which book I brought home and then mailed.
