Where will you be hiking this weekend?


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Jan 20, 2004
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Vernon, VT avatar: Old Goat
I'm hoping to get up around Franconia myself :confused:

Planning on slow going as the trails may well not be broken out yet :D About time we received some "normal" Snow :p

Be safe and have FUN!!!
I'll be snowshoeing in Quebec.
Sunday I'll be on Nineteen Mile Brook Trail hiking with my skis through Carter Notch to the Wildcats and skiing down Wildcat. Hopefully I get to the lodge before dark and sans injury this time. :eek:
It's Chinese (lunar) New Year this weekend and I'll be hiking outside my back door in Pyramid Mtn Natural Historic Area (there are historical rhodedendrons and rocks! :D).

I have a half day free saturday morning, enough time for me to do one long lap around the reservoir and back to my house....


(it's the Year of the Pig)
David Metsky said:
It's a powder weekend, I'll be skiing. :) Jay got 60", MRG got 44". Champlain Powder baby!

Same here... I have to work Sat, but should be up at MRG, Sugarbush (might get free tickets), or Stowe on Sunday.
Gung Hei Fatt Choy Jay! May you and your family have a happy and healthier New Year!

i'm walking/hiking in florida!

Wind chill temps on Sat night in the upper 30's...cccoolddd..

then 60-70 in orlando...will possibly go on the MT Everest ride....
hoping hike and ski this weekend, I avoid the lift service areas on weekends. Was @ Sugarbush Wed and Bolton Valley Thursday, the snow was insane. Castle Road was like a religious experience and Bolton Valley has some of the best back country skiing in Vermont.

So were the roads. During the day Wednesday Sugarbush put out a huge noticed, the access road was shut down due to impassable conditions until farther notice. Insane. Families on ski vacations for Presidents week are in for a treat.
In the Santa Monica Mtns...
In shorts, tank top, and running shoes...
In (predicted) 78 degree temps.
I'll leave the snowshoes at home. :cool:
Yippee!! :D

Breaking trail somewhere...but where??? Decisions, decisions. :)
giggy said:
this storm ruined my plans - I will probably still hike somewhere but not where I wanted to..

THIS WINTER SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:
But just think... big snow now... more neve later in the spring. Plus, can always climb some ice in non-avalanche areas. But yeah, anything with the word "ravine", "slide", or "gully" would not be good yet, I see what you mean.
Prob nowhere during the weekend, athough I may sneak out to a few of the local trails in Lebanon. Monday by buddy and I are planning something small but nice and nearby....possibly Moose Mtn. I want to break in my snowshoes !!!!!
Lets see, No snow in south jersey and all the ice is now gone. can't do long drive to Catskills or ADK this weekend. Long run on Sat and then I have to deal with the remains of a large tree that came down my property yesterday. If it wasn't stopped by another tree my neighbors would have a large hole in their roof. Partially dealt with by tree removal firm but not completely... can you say chain saw.
After spending a good thirty minutes today breaking out about 2/3 mile of trail in the meadow where I work out with the traildoggies...it dawned on me that the prospect of breaking out Dial and Nippletop tommorrow were probably toooooo much!

So we are heading to do Cascade and Porter saturday, and hoping to do some cross country/backcountry skiing on sunday here in Ver-mont.
I'll have my oversized waterproof boots on doing multiple laps with very heavy loads...

...up and down my stairs! My pipes froze and burst flooding one room upstairs and the entire lower level :eek: . Lots of stuff needs to be brought out to the garbage:(.

Hopefully I'll be breaking some trail in the Catskills on Sunday:D.
Caught x/c laps at local grounds - excellent conditions (and had Cooper with me to help on the uphill grades - leash requirement in parks) He's a great winter ski companion - has it all figured out. Ran into ski friends and got an invitation to a warm up party after skiing tomorrow :D

Sunday - boarding at local ski area* (based out of a private club as members, so it is very sweet to be with friends). Day includes finals for an adult racing league w/ SG and dual SL. Fun day and finish with a party. :D

* cbcbd - comp pass -- eat your heart out :p
coldfeet said:
Gung Hei Fatt Choy Jay! May you and your family have a happy and healthier New Year!

i'm walking/hiking in florida!

Wind chill temps on Sat night in the upper 30's...cccoolddd..

then 60-70 in orlando...will possibly go on the MT Everest ride....

Thanks David... And a happy lunar new year to everybody out there too! May we all have a healthier and peaceful new year.. :)

Mt Everest ride.... You must post a trip report!
