Where will you be hiking this weekend?


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Yesterday did 12 miles of x-country skiing up in Morin-Heights, Quebec. Great conditions at last. It has been a poor snow year up here in the Great White North but things have finally improved. We got nowhere near the snow accumulation that New England received midweek though.
Did another 5 miles out of my back door on skis again today.
I was able to do a nice solo hike up to Lions Head. Was a ton of fun. Took the sled down to my car.
Not sure how much snow there is going to be, but tomorrow I'll be tackling Smarts Mountain in Lyme, NH. We're taking the Ranger trail, which looks more mellow than the Lambert Ridge trail. We'll see if it is broken out yet. If not its gonna be a tiring day. :)

bubba said:
* cbcbd - comp pass -- eat your heart out :p
My landlady called an old skiing buddy (John Egan ;) ) and he hooked us up with free passes at Sugarbush...

Pretty epic there too :D