My husband and I each have "the bin." These are those big Rubbermade bins, filled with all of our smaller gear. Backpacks are hung from a closet pole (snap the hip belt around the pole and it's a great place to hang them) and jackets, pants and fleeces are in the coat closet, but everthing else lives in the bins. My bin is semi-organized; in the summer, all the winter and fall stuff goes to the bottom, and in the winter, all the summer stuff goes to the bottom. But the first aid kit, fire starters and headlamp are always on top, along with the huge plastic bag to line the pack. They always go in first no matter what time of year it is, and then I just throw in the standard clothing and food for the season on top of that. Tuck a couple/three water bottles into the side pockets, map, compass and knife in the little front pocket, and off I go. Packing for a hike usually takes me a grand total of 5 minutes. I guess that's what happens when you've been doing it since you were 10 years old....