David Metsky said:
I always thought that a spare 8-track or two left on the dash pretty much assured no breakins.

that's great I'm going to use that 8 track line, I'll give credit and a loony each time I do.
I posted this other places, and one group told me they had parked 4 cars and left them all unlocked at the Wanakena road into high falls a few years ago, they came back out and all the stuff from car 1 had been moved into car 2 and so on and so on.
they thought it was a pretty harmless, if time consuming prank.
Pin Pin can tell you on my behalf that there is no possible way I asked this to set up a mugging.

I gotta tell you if hikers were all so great Noah wouldn't have started locking his camp and hiding his valuables away in cans whenever he left for any time.
times change, the early hikers that Noah and other write about are not teh same as the peak baggers today, I am not really in either group, I live vicariously through pinpin, who remembers me in morning prayers and breaks on his first peak of the day.
the only thing I know about mugging is on the receiving end.
DAXS: where in philly did you live? I was there almost 8 months, mugged twice, one car stolen and bad for me, it was found. I already had the insurance check spent.LOL. and i actually lived in the suburbs. now i was offered a job back home by my dad's friend. thanks to the Boss I am done with city beating, now onto the country beatings! LOL>
I hope this doesn't ruin anyone's hiking, I wish I was with you all , but meanwhile I pray you all have great hikes, with those you love, and that the serenity and peace of the woods here and anywhere are with you even after you return home.
I gotta run I want to check a few more posts and the Boss loggs in here now and then to see how many posts I make when I'm suppossed to be working.