White Mountains Hut to Hut-Summer 2004


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Pete Hogan

New member
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
Saratoga Springs, NY
I'm floating this preliminary summer trip idea to anyone who would like to offer their opinion as to...
1. degree of difficulty
2. choice of trails, route selection -- scenic alternatives
3. daily and cumulative ascents and distances
4. weather exposure potential difficulties and possible safer alternatives
5. choice of peaks - more scenic alternatives

We are a group of able, experienced, determined, moderately paced, hikers. Last summer we completed a similar 3-day trip involving Greenleaf and Galehead Hut and reaching the summits of Lincoln, Lafayette, Garfield, Galehead, South Twin and North Twin. (See White Mountains Hut to Hut -summer 2003 trip report on this website).

Any comments, advice or input would sincerely be appreciated and welcomed.

Day 1
drive to NH
a picnic lunch on the road or other lunch alternative
arrive at a local motel somewhere near Appalachia (Gorham/Randolph)
an afternoon lounging at poolside or touring local interests - AMC Pinkham Notch Visitor Center; placing a car or two at the AMC Pinkham Notch Visitor Center lot.
local dinner, overnight in motel (any suggestions?)

Day 2
early local breakfast
hike via the Airline Trail to Madison Hut (4825') - 3.7 miles, 3550' ascent, 4-4.5 hours
select bunks, lunch at the hut and light packs to ascend Mt. Madison (5366') and (option) return to the hut to climb Mt. Adams (5799')

Day 3
after breakfast climb Mt. Adams (5799') or (option) take the Gulfside Trail to Mt. Jefferson (5716')
continue on the Gulfside Trail to Mt. Jefferson(5716') and Mt. Clay (5513') with an option in good weather to ascend Mt. Washington (6288')
descend to Lakes of the Clouds Hut (5012') for the second overnight

Day 4

after breakfast climb Mt. Washington (weather permitting - this strategy offers two potential chances at Mt. Washington - day 3 and day 4)
descend via most scenic/safe route to AMC Pinkham Notch Visitor Center to car shuttle
dinner and drive home late night
If you've hiked from Greenleaf to Galehead, you've already proved that you can handle the difficulty. Many, many people do northern presidential traverses similar to your proposed route every summer. I've done it several times in both directions, and it is breathtaking every time. Weather can happen fast and hard above treeline, but I'm sure you already know that. There's a place called Thunderstorm Junction near Mt. Adams, and whoever named it wasn't kidding.


I responded on the AMC bulletin boards: AMC trhead .

My bottom line: this should be easy. I think the hike over Mt. Garfield is tougher then the Presis (assuming the weather does not blow you away).

Also: reserve early (like now).

The Jefferson Notch Motel is a good place to stay, and the Wagon Wheel Restaurant makes an excellent breakfast. Both are near Appalachia on Rte. 2 going west . I wish you fair weather: I attempt that Presi ridgewalk every June and often have to bail out or hike in the rain/fog/wind. I'd recommend descending to Pinkham via Boott Spur whether or not you summit Washington on the last day.

Watching the sunset from Monroe is a great after-dinner activity.

If time permits, adding Mizpah Hut makes a wonderful extra day and you can summit (I didn't say knock off or bag!) Monroe, Eisenhower, and Clinton. On the last day, a descent via Jackson and the cliffs of Webster is awesome, although I also like returning via the Dry River Cut-off and Dry River Trail - beautiful quiet woods. You'd have to spot a car at the bottom of the Webster Cliff Trail. Once we did that but high winds were forecast so we opted out of doing the cliffs. The road walk from the Dry River Trail back to the Webster Cliff Trail isn't too onerous.

For dinner in the North Conway area, my favorites are Moat Mountain Brewery and the Thompson House Eatery (Jackson).
Thanks for the information....

Thanks Steve, Papa Bear and Audrey for the advice and information regarding this hut to hut proposal. From the responses that I have received both here and on the AMC Forums, I will plan for severe weather and hope for the best. I do appreciate your advice and I do not take lightly the weather advisories that have been voiced regarding the Northern Presidentials.

Audrey, thanks a lot for recommendations on local motels and places to eat. BTW, I am now considering (as per your suggestion) an option for a final day traverse over Monroe, Eisenhower, Pierce and Jackson with a descent via Webster Cliff to Mt. Webster and continuing on to Rt. 302. We will be able to place a car at the trailhead on Rt. 302 as well as one at the AMC Pinkham Notch Visitor Center. This will create an option to ascend Washington on day 3 (if we missed on day 2 due to weather) or add the peaks mentioned above. I liked the flexibility of your advice and I'm sure it will be appreciated by the group.

Pete, If you are adding the extra day (I agree with Audrey - a classic hike!) I'd park one car at the Highland Center (safer) and one at Lowe's store ($1 a day). Folks don't dare mess with cars at Lowe's:eek: That way, it's a quicker ride up to pick up the car. The Wagon wheel is awesome!
Water Wheel

Thanks Audrey for the update on the Water Wheel. I'm sure I would have put two and two together (and transposed Wagon Wheel to Water Wheel), but you never know what might happen when you don't have a calculator! Anyhow, thanks for letting me know.

BTW, the next time you happen to be down that way, could you check to see if they have a Yankee Pot Roast Special on Thursdays......only kidding!
