White Mts long weekend trip advice?


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Aug 26, 2005
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I'm planning a trip over labor day weekend and I need some help on where to go. I want to do 35-40 miles (or less depending on elevation change). I'll be hiking with my dog, so nothing too treacherous. Also I don't want to carry a lot of water, so preferably a route with plenty of water. And, I'll be by myself (besides my dog) so I don't want to be anywhere too remote. It can be a loop or not, it doesn't really matter. Any ideas? Thank you...
Are dogs allowed in the Wilderness areas?

If so, if I was going - I'd want some solitude at times - I'd consult my map & pick a route in the Pemi but avoiding the most popular places. I'd consider going through Hancock Notch so the first bit would have company doing the Hancock Loop, you could work your way towards the AT & Zealand Falls to reaquaint yourself with people & then spend your last night at Guyot Shelter. The peaks near Guyot are among the best in the Whites.
The Pemi Loop, with a couple of side trips, would fall into that range. There is plenty of water and campsites along the route, and there is nothing that an average dog couldn't handle. The loop would start and end at the wildernedd trail and go up and over the Franconia Ridge, Garfield, S. Twin, and the Bonds. Side trips available are N. Twin, Galehead, Zealand, and W. Bond.
Yes, dogs are allowed in the Wilderness area. The Pemi loop comes to mine as well, but don't expect solitude. This is one of the busiest weekends of the year. With a dog you might want to camp on your own, rather than at a crowded campsite like Guyot on a Saturday night.

There are spots to camp away from the established campsites, with a solo hiker and a dog you can fit a small tent in a lot of places that multiple tents won't fit. Read and understand the backcountry camping rules before heading out. The rangers do patrol and they do issue tickets.

Also, someone mentioned ladders on the Pemil Loop to me. Is it possible for my dog to go around, or will I have to somehow hoist him up? He's 100 lbs so this could prove tricky...
I don't know about the tough spot descending Bondcliff. Having heard a few stories, I did the Bonds in and out via the Twinway. There's only one ladder on that route, the kind that's like a narrow staircase set against a slab. The St. Bernard sailed right up and down it. He's a hardly soul!

That route would end your loop option tho.
The part on Bondcliff is only one spot, I'm no dog (well it's debatableI guess) & I don't hike with one but I'd think the stretch between Garfield & Galehead would be harder, not the flat parts but some steeps coming down Garfield. (it's been 9 years & I have no interest in returning - well I have many other routes I'd choose first)

Due to crowds for Labor Day, I don't know if i'd pick the Classic loop others mentioned but I would definitely hit some of those spots.
The only ladders on the Pemi Loop are on the Osseo Trail, which could be a major problem with a large dog. Kevin Rooney would a the person to answer this... I have a 52 lb Golden Retriever who has a tough time with ladders (getting around them), so I typically put her over my shoulder and carry her, which is something that would be virtually impossible to do with a 100 lb dog... :eek:
IIRC, the only ladders on the Osceo trail are really staircases, which would be no problem for a dog. Have they added real ladders? The small cliff on the Bondcliff trail could be a problem, but most agile dogs seem to master it.

Thanks y'all. I think he'll be ok. He is very athletic and if it's stairs, even if they're steep I think he can handle it. I might have to give him a boost, but from what you guys say, we'll probably be fine. I realize it'll be pretty populated over labor day, but since I'm going solo, it's probably better that way. Thanks for the wisdom.
David Metsky said:
IIRC, the only ladders on the Osceo trail are really staircases, which would be no problem for a dog. Have they added real ladders? The small cliff on the Bondcliff trail could be a problem, but most agile dogs seem to master it.
IIRC, just stairs when I was there a year or so ago.

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There was definitely at least one tall ladder on the Osseo trail a few years ago. Just before reaching the viewpoint that looks towards Bond IIRC. Maybe it has been removed, but I am certain I remember at least one also.

Mike P. said:
...I'd think the stretch between Garfield & Galehead would be harder, not the flat parts but some steeps coming down Garfield.....

Due to crowds for Labor Day, I don't know if i'd pick the Classic loop others mentioned but I would definitely hit some of those spots.

The steep steps on Garfield mostly likely won't be a problem. Both of my special needs dogs made it up and down Garfield.

Good point on the Labor Day crowds. The Franconia Ridge and the Bonds would be my last choice simply for that reason, but if I could go, I would!