Whiteface/Esther - 9/5/04 (finishing)


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Sep 3, 2003
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In the image of man
Okay, we understand, climbing Esther/Whiteface on one of the most popular tourist days of the year is probably not the most desirable destination for many of us ‘seasoned hikers”. Sadly, we have no other choices, the rest are done. Be that as it may, at least 4 (possibly 5) of us will be finishing our 46 on Whiteface on that day (9/5/04). Over the past few months, several of you have asked to join us for this hike, This is an official invitation. To anyone in our VFTT family, if you’re interested in a walk up these two mountains with us, we’d be honored to have you with us.

The plan is to start from the Research Center lot at about 7:30-8 AM and hike over Marble Mountain. We’ll make a quick stop at Esther, for a tip of the Nalgene Bottle to the indomitable spirit of 15 y/o girl who loved to climb mountains. Then it’s off to Whiteface to stand in line with the tourist for a chilidog. We’ll then head down to Connery Pond (provided we can spot a car).

Once we get down, were gonna have a BBQ/Picnic to celebrate and just have fun (Details to follow). I understand there are about 5 others finishing various lists in the area this weekend and we invite you all to come along and join in for the after-party, After all, this is NOT about just us, but about the mountains we all so cherish.

Let us know, here or on PM is you are interested.


BTW, I have decided on my summit skit (to make an ass of myself). I’ve always wanted to act out a scene from Eiger Sanction, Here the drill.

As we wait in line (all sweaty and nasty) for our summit photo, you will proclaim (quite loudly) “Wheeeew, what a view”. To which I’ll reply “Sure is, how bout a beer”. You look at me and quite incredulously state “You can’t tell me you were dumb enough to carry beer all the way up here”, To which I’ll smugly reply, “of course not,, but you were” and then I’ll proceed to pull a beer from your pack and drink it. YEAH, THAT’S IT FOR SURE.

Come on, what are you waiting for, make an ass out of yourself in front of the tourists :).


:rolleyes: I'm kidding by the way, we'll just stand in line wait for a photo op, like everone else. :rolleyes:
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I believe I'll be there--wouldn't miss it for anything. If noone else goes for the Eiger sanction bit, I"ll do it. If only we could only find that girl that helped Clint train...
Good luck on your 46th!
As for beer, here is a good trick - seems to work best with "ice" beer (I have no idea why). Put a few canned beers in the freezer the night before (yes, occasionally some will burst). They will be frozen by morning. Take 2 foam "coozies"(sp?) and slide them over each end. Duct tape together. Keep packed in ice until you are ready to hike. In 4 hours, your beer will be perfect temperature for consumption. It will also be one of the finest brews you've ever had. Of course I've never done this;)

My daughter Kayla and I will wave to you from Mt Jefferson!
Last Sunday I finished my Summer Round on Shakedown Street and enjoyed a very frosty pint ... well, two ... along with a couple grilled cheese sandwichs and some potato leek soup.

My trick was to drive to the Loj with the cans of Guinness under much ice. Inside a pair of coolies I wrapped two small ziplocs filled with a dozen ice cubes each around each can. Then wrapped the whole thing in plastic grocery bags in case of any leaks. They were frosty indeed! And I dumped the remainders of the ice cubes, and the little bit of ice water into my water bottle for some bonus refreshment.

Works great!!!!! (Harry K, eat your heart out)

Oh, and a third coolie is needed to keep the pint glass safe... or the whole thing is for naught! (Because you can't have a pint of Guinness without a pint glass... ;) )

Anyways, an early congrats to you and the family for a summer filled with many excellent adventures!

Good luck with the trip, congrats will be in order pretty soon. I need to climb those two peaks for my 46 (I'm up to 39 now), but I already have plans for that weekend. I would have loved to join you guys. I enjoy reading your reports on the other peaks and actually use some of the tips you have from your reports. (Climbed Marshall and Redfield last weekend).

Kevin Rooney said:
Good luck with your last two peaks. I'd intended to finish my ADK's on Whiteface as well, leaving from the Research Station. But, I wasn't paying close enough attention and blew by the start of herd path to Esther and before I realized my oversight I was too high on Whiteface to want to turn back. So, I stopped at Esther on the way down. It was a beautiful day in more ways than one.

Oh boy Kevin, We'll try not to make that error, thanks for the heads up. In any event, It would not be the end of the world I suppose either. Things are all set. My brother Dan (who some of you met a Spence's) is frantically working on his list and hopefully will knock off the his last 4 before that Day. If so, there will 5 in my family finishing this day. Wonder how often that happens?

Anyway, Brian and Doug, I'll PM you with specifics and thanks, it means alot to us that you want to be there with us. We're all set with a sweet spot for our after gathering so I'll include that in the PM. Anyone else interested can just let me know.

Sounds like from reading this and other threads that there will be lots finishing in the next week or to. Super...... Good luck to all of you.
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Good luck Tim.
I don't think I can swing it, but I wish I could be there to celebrate and see the bodies hit the floor when you wheel out the magnum. Opps wrong movie......:eek:
Tim, you know I'd be there if we hadn't already scheduled our forum campout for that weekend. Whiteface and Esther are nice hikes. And if you run out of water, just stop at the snack shop! lol

We'll get around to hiking someday bud! Pre-congrats!
Tim, we've been following your family trips for some time, and we'd truly be honored to hike your last two with you, but scheduling won't permit it for us (we're probably too slow for you anyway!). We did Esther and Whiteface a couple of years ago. Esther was quick and enjoyable, and we thought many made too much of a fuss about the swampy area. The final approach on a sunny day to Whiteface was nothing short of magnificent!


P.S. I think you should go for the beer gag!
Mavs I will be waving to you from the Dix range where I will be finishing my 46. I'm not quite sure which peak - it will be either Hough or east dix. Look forward to celebrating with you at some point over the weekend!
We're all set.

7:30 AM start from the Research Center lot. (PM me if you need directions). We'll be spotting a car or two at Connery Pond before that (we're all set there). There are 10 hikers right now with another 2-3 possibles (with 5 finishers). We'd like to be down by 5 so we can celebrate in style. PM with questions.

To the group, thanks for all your well wishes and , I'm sure I'll post a long-winded (as typical), waxing philosphic (as typical) after post :rolleyes: . This is an official BOLO (BeOnTheLookout) alert for those that want to skip that one :).

My sincere wishes for luck and good weather to Daxs, Nancy, Mrs. Alpine and mer (and whoever else) as they fisnish this weekend as well. On Saturday, I'll be hiking UWJ and Armstrong (possibly Gothics/Pyramid) to put my brother in position to finish with us on Sunday. So if you see two middle-aged ugly dudes on the trail, say hello. ADKatie and the kids may do Cascade/Porter for "old time sake"