Date of Hike: 7/26/08
Trail Conditions: All trails in good shape. Blueberry Ledges were dry (and fun). Rollins was muddy in places, but fine. Dicey Mills up to Passaconaway was fairly wet in spots and a little muddy, but also no big deal. Dicey from Rollins down was in great shape.
Special Equipment: None, beautiful day.
Comments: Very warm on the way up, drank lots of water. Nice cool breeze from Whiteface over. Rollins is a beautiful, green trail. Saw a few people along the way, one AMC group from Worcester doing the loop. Leap-frogged another solo guy most of the way. Dicey Mills is a nice, smooth exit route, especially for a guy with a bum knee. However, it led to the Annoying-Stuck-in-the-Head-Song-of-the-Hike: "The Neverending Story" from that '80's movie. Man, that trail is freaking eternal.
name: Casey S.
email: [email protected]
Trail Conditions: All trails in good shape. Blueberry Ledges were dry (and fun). Rollins was muddy in places, but fine. Dicey Mills up to Passaconaway was fairly wet in spots and a little muddy, but also no big deal. Dicey from Rollins down was in great shape.
Special Equipment: None, beautiful day.
Comments: Very warm on the way up, drank lots of water. Nice cool breeze from Whiteface over. Rollins is a beautiful, green trail. Saw a few people along the way, one AMC group from Worcester doing the loop. Leap-frogged another solo guy most of the way. Dicey Mills is a nice, smooth exit route, especially for a guy with a bum knee. However, it led to the Annoying-Stuck-in-the-Head-Song-of-the-Hike: "The Neverending Story" from that '80's movie. Man, that trail is freaking eternal.
name: Casey S.
email: [email protected]