Whiteface via McCrillis Trail in Winter???


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Jan 1, 2005
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Waltham, MA Jazzbo & Marty meet Bigfoot on Kenne
Anyone have any thoughts on McCrillis Trail vs. Blueberry Ledge Trail as a way up Whiteface?

Is the Flat Mountain Pond TH even plowed in winter?

I see current trail condition report dated 1/30 indicates not much snow. Trail is less traveled than Blueberry Ledge, but with low snow trail breaking won't be the issue. I was up there last May and trail was bit hard to follow as treadway was not well defined in spots so in winter might be tricky. Treadway will be even less defined. I guess I'm answering my own question here.

Also wondering if Whiteface Brook has any ice bridging. The crossing was tricky in May.
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McCrillis Trail is my preferred route. The Flat Mountain Pond trailhead is usually plowed in winter. I haven't been there this season yet.

"Mod" Metsky has a good fall trip report with some nice pics on his Hike the Whites.

(Note for the uninitiated: This is not the McCrillis Path that we're talking about, which is still listed by WODC as not recommended because of landowner issues.)
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At one of the early Winter Gatherings a group of us set off on an ill-fated attempt on Flat Mt Pond that was foiled by some nasty brook crossings. In order to avoid the main crossing, we bushwhacked on the other side of the river. Once behind the house, we found an old woods road that joins the Flat Mt Pond Trail at the crossing.
Have always done it via Blueberry Ledge. Expect ice flows - got a note from a friend who did it a couple of weeks ago - he brought along a length of rope which was appeciated by the group when they encountered a 5' icy pitch.

We'll most probably do Blueberry ledge Trail. Did you use the rope on McCrillis or Blueberry? Seems like some rope might be nice on either one. This is an AMC outing I'm co-leading and never know what to expect from participants so I'm bringing some rope anyways.
It was Blueberry.

There's always the one tricky spot on Blueberry - unless there's lots of snow - as the rock is pretty smooth. But, in low snow/high ice winters, there are flows which are exposed in 3 or 4 spots, and it's much easier to have a rope along.

I also sent an email to Eric earlier today with similar info - he'd posted an inquiry to the leader listserv.
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I used tio think McCrillis was the easier route for beginners as crampons not required and snowshoeing more gradual. But they've moved the trailhead several times and the new route is much longer.

One time the brook crossing was a problem and we hunted until we found a fallen tree, another time the brook was frozen solid and it was trivial. Both of these refer to the old crossing location which was farther downstream than the present one.