Who is hiking this weekend?


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Apr 7, 2004
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Home: Tioga PA Avatar: Cheez Whiz YUM!
Looks like the weather for Saturday in the Adirondacks is going to be half way descent. I am going to be hiking the Dixes from Elk Lake with an early start time. If your a slow hiker and want to have some fun this hike is for you :)

So what are you all hiking this weekend?
Sandwich Dome. I did some trail work there last weekend but the weather was rainy and cloudy. I think I'm going to head back there on Sunday.

Also looking forward to finally finishing the NH 48 4K on Isolation on the Columbus day long weekend.
Chris, congrats on your imminent finish!!!!

We're hiking Sat. We may do Franconia Ridge Loop. If we do, we'll leave at sunrise and probably take most of the day. Weather has to be absolutely dry for us though. If it's not, we'll choose a different hike.
Staying close to home this weekend. Planning to hike Bear Swamp State Forest (near Skaneateles Lake) Sunday. Leaves are changing and it should be gorgeous. Good luck in the Dixes, pal! :cool:
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Three-day ADK backpacking trip. Likely one of these:

Phelps (Fri) Algonquin-Wright-Iroquois (Sat) and Table Top maybe (Sun), or

Sawteeth (Fri) Colvin-Blake (Sat) and Dial-Nippletop (Sun), or

Cliff (Fri) Gray-Skylight-Redfield (Sat) and Phelps-Table Top (Sun)
Hope anyone getting out this weekend has a wicked good time. Some of us (including the 2 of us) have to wait till next weekend. Strange that the holiday falls a little later than usual this year, but that's OK. We plan on Garfield, and if the weather is good for it and I have room in the car (we are retrieving all camping gear from my brother's place in Gorham because we only had enough room to bring home trail tools in August) gonna hike it in 1750's gear. Hopefully works out.
Fisher Cat said:
gonna hike it in 1750's gear. Hopefully works out.

J.Dub said:
Cliff (Fri) Gray-Skylight-Redfield (Sat) and Phelps-Table Top (Sun)
That seems like a strange arrangement... Cliff and Redfield usually go together! Chances are that you can grab Gray and Skylight just as easily on Friday - depending on your timing. Mostly marked trails and heavily used (up and down both are pretty quick) Yeah, I know, Gray is trailless... please! :rolleyes:

I'll be at the country club hanging out. I'll park at the far end of the lot and hike in. :p
bubba said:

Linen actually, the only wool is the stockings and inside the mocassin boot. Should be quite comfy for this time of year.
the_swede said:
Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Newark, NJ. :p No, seriously, I am. My hiking buddy offers historical walking tours of the city.


At least you're only visiting. :p

I am going for a bike ride tomorrow morning and then family stuff the weekend. may get a chance to pop out sunday afternoon for a hike or so..

Is this the most open ended question on VFTT? Is this like asking "are you going to vote Democratic?" at the Democratic National Convention? :D

I'm working on my viewsandbrews list....hiking Montauk point which is on the Eastern tip of Long Island...#24 out of 25....then kayaking out east....will be walking and checking out the dunes very carefully.....bubba, I promise to get your stuff out...nice cool weather...have fun everyone...enjoy the debate tonight....
PA Ridgerunner said:
Staying close to home this weekend. Planning to hike Bear Swamp State Forest (near Skaneateles Lake) Sunday. Leaves are changing and it should be gorgeous. Good luck in the Dixes, pal! :cool:
There are some nice waterfalls nearby in Carpenter Falls ravine.
Maybe (I hope) Henderson Lake and beyond in the Hornbecks. Not sure how far we'll get since this is a first trip with both boats and the packs with the carry frames.

Pat T
una_dogger said:
I'll probably be hiking to the top of Prospect Hill to see the skyline of Boston from our NEW house. :D

Hey Una .... I live just blocks from Prospect Hill. PM me if you want a wilderness guide to the area. You'll find the cross country skiing is pretty nice up there when we get the storms.

As for hiking this weekend I'm planning to hike North & Middle Moat on Saturday and Monroe on Sunday. I might only do Table Mountain from Bear Notch if I don't get early enough start on Saturday. I'm planning to stay at bunkhouse at Crawford Notch Campground Saturday night.