Who is hiking this weekend?


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Given the forecast for tomorrow (cold and very windy), we will NOT be doing the Franconia Ridge Loop after all. We'll do a less exposed hike instead.

Take care to stay warm this weekend, folks. (Bring on the hot chocolate and hot buttered rum!)
Probably Crawford and Stairs on Saturday. North & South Trepyramid on Sunday. Looks like it will be a couple of nice days to enjoy the views.
Planning on the Wildcats from PNVC tomorrow (Saturday). Mostly sheltered with some great viewpoints on the climb and along the way across the ridge to Wildcat A.

Company would be welcomed. It's a big place and there's plenty of room. ;)
Possibly/probably Carrigain (loop via. Desolation) on Saturday. If car spot available might do Nancy/Norcross Pond and Carrigain loop.

-Dr. Wu

i will be hiking saturday. somewhere close to home.
saturday night i will be hiking to the Shed brewery keg(s) at a big fall bash! :D
Now leaning toward Garfield. Trying to increase stamina to 10 miles, while keeping warm and relatively sheltered (we're new to cold weather climbing, so we're going conservative this weekend).

BigEarl, the Wildcats sound wonderful and I can't wait to do them. Have a great time! If we could hike remotely close to book time, and if I thought we were ready in terms of ability (we're not), we'd show up and bother you/keep you company.
TrishandAlex said:
Now leaning toward Garfield. Trying to increase stamina to 10 miles, while keeping warm and relatively sheltered (we're new to cold weather climbing, so we're going conservative this weekend).

BigEarl, the Wildcats sound wonderful and I can't wait to do them. Have a great time! If we could hike remotely close to book time, and if I thought we were ready in terms of ability (we're not), we'd show up and bother you/keep you company.
Hi Trish,

I'm not a fast hiker - just ask anybody that has hiked with me. I'm just willing to start early and go late. I'd welcome the opportunity to hike with you two, just say the word. Your company would be very enjoyable I'm sure.

coldfeet said:
I'm working on my viewsandbrews list....hiking Montauk point which is on the Eastern tip of Long Island...#24 out of 25....then kayaking out east....will be walking and checking out the dunes very carefully.....bubba, I promise to get your stuff out...nice cool weather...have fun everyone...enjoy the debate tonight....
So... what's left on the list?? * I's wondering where you've been!! ;)

OMG - what are you going to do once the list is done??? :eek:

* WAIT!! You're not telling because there is prbly some silly ritual that you have to buy for everyone once it's done!! :D

Why do I have an emoticon at the end of every sentence? :confused:

Gail and I plan on hiking Allen this Sat. and maybe Mt. Adams this Sun. :)
Blue Ridge South and Cellar, near Page Mountain.
ColdRiverRun said:
I don't hike anymore I just log in for the woodchuck recipes.:cool:

Best I've had was done up as jerky with a dehydrator. In the pan was too greasy and gamey. Suppose a BBQ would be okay! ;)

Planned on trying to get something in, but now the man says I've got to work tomorrow. And after a hard week with 10-12hr days! Hopefully I've got something left for Sunday, have fun everyone! ;)
BIGEarl said:
Hi Trish,

I'm not a fast hiker - just ask anybody that has hiked with me. I'm just willing to start early and go late. I'd welcome the opportunity to hike with you two, just say the word. Your company would be very enjoyable I'm sure.


Thanks BigEarl! The feeling is likewise.

I don't think we're ready for the Wildcats in cold weather, otherwise I'm very serious, you would find us at the trailhead at first light.

I think Alex and I have only a few weekends before the cold weather/snow prevents Alex from bagging any more 4K peaks this year. In late spring next year, we would definitely love to hike with you. We'll be trying to bag peaks right and left as soon as the snow melts, and we'll be heading out almost every weekend.
Well I just got back from doing the Dix Range in the Adirondacks and can you say SNOW SNOW SNOW :D I will get pics up later but above 3500 we ran into around 3 inches and all the fir trees were covered. Below 3500 it was 20 degrees warmer :)
1ADAM12 said:
Well I just got back from doing the Dix Range in the Adirondacks and can you say SNOW SNOW SNOW :D I will get pics up later but above 3500 we ran into around 3 inches and all the fir trees were covered. Below 3500 it was 20 degrees warmer :)

Yeah, tell me about it...snow was the operative word in our Wright-Algonquin-Iroquois loop yesterday. It was great to get a foretaste of winter!

We had the pleasure of meeting Yvon and Annie when we passed them on the trail up to Algonquin. I thought he looked familiar (from his avatar pic) and when we started chatting, the Quebecois accent made me ask him, "Are you Yvon?"

That, and the 46er patch on his pack!

We bumped into them again around treeline after we did Wright. I don't know whether they made it over to Iroquois (their ultimate destination) or not, but we managed to get over there and then down to Lake Colden and back to the Marcy Dam LT via Avalance Pass.

I'll get the pix off the camera and a proper TR written up, Shortly.

Duck Hole, almost

Well, our weekend adventure was the planned canoe/hike to Duck Hole but a late start and a slow carry made us turn around after only making it to Preston Ponds. The carry from Henderson to Lower Preston took us much longer than anticipated probably because this was a first trip with Hornbecks attached to backpacks. Overall, though, it was a beautiful day and we loved our paddle on Lower Preston Pond. We walked the carry to Upper Preston but, by this time, the wind was stiff and out of the northwest so we headed back to the dock on Lower Preston. The carry back to Henderson was fine. When we made the last turn on Henderson Lake, going to the takeout, we were greeted by a beautiful view of snowy Mt. Colden in the late afternoon light. All in all, a great day!

Pat T